Ch 5- Fine! I'll help and Breaking Bad.

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A/N I'd like to start off with I'm sorry please don't plan a slow and painful bloody demise for me. *~* I know I haven't written anything in days! I feel so bad but and writers block can be such a dick. Seriously I just wanna punch it in the throat (Ahem!) Uh anyways, 203 views! I'm doing the Charlie Brown style on top of my bed at the moment and it's amazing as to how that could have happened in such a short time. I don't really have a goal for this story although I really do appreciate a comment from time to time. Anyways yea I'm a horrible person but I'll make it up! With that Enjoy.

"I'm back." I say walking back into the Cafe. Once I set the stuff on the counter I turn to Duncan. Who seems to be wearing one of the old female employees apron. O.o ok...

"Look at me, aren't I a cute kitchen maid?" He says in a high pitched voice. I face-counter to that, then turn to the others which seem to be giggling in the background.

"Ok, so who's up for some hardcore bacon and egg sandwiches?" I asked and they all rose their hands in response.

Turning to Duncan I say "Jesse lets cook!" We all burst into laughter once more.

"Aye aye Heisenberg." Duncan responds.

"Ok no seriously now if you start cooking the bacon. The stoves right behind you." I say after that short episode. (There's 2 stoves, one in the Kitchen another right behind the cashier counter.)

"Yes sir." He responded and I to crack open eggs into a bowl.

"You know I still don't know why you guys were being chased." I say in midst of cracking another egg.

"Oh well that's a long story..." Lewis began. I nodded my head as if saying to go on. "You see it was like this, we we got here from the airport somewhere around like 4 or 5 in the morning with Ridge and such. We got to our hotel not so far from here and slept and prepped until noon when the meet up was scheduled. There were many Yognau(gh)ts and Yognauts there and of course we were always happy to meet them. Although when time came to leave more fans were coming in and then there was more and more and..." He says seemingly terrified as to what happened next. Im guessing they were chased afterwards by the fans. That must be terrifying o_o.

"Umm ok, well then where's Ridge?" I say wondering why he wasn't here. Now everyone was paying attention all wondering the same. "He said he had some personal business or something to take care of and we hadn't seen him since." This time it was Simon who answered. I wonder what he's doing? I continue to pick up the shells and stir the yolk as the others babble on about random stuff. I gave Duncan the yolk to fry since he just finished the bacon. Damn that smells good, oh Zoey who are you kidding? Meat is Yummy! 😋.

I cut the bread for the first sandwich, placed a layer of bacon then omelet and a bit of lettuce. Wala! Ok, I just close it n- What the hell!

That ghost girl from earlier just popped her head through the table and sandwich! I jump back and yelp. Everybody just stares at me like I'm crazy and Kim's asks. "What's wrong?!"

The girl looks satisfied and is giggling to my dispense, that-that agh! I look Kim and say. "Nothing, I umm just thought I saw a bug... yup it was just a bug no worries." That was close. The girl then goes behind Duncan and starts to blow her tongue at me. Childish much -_-. Oh crud! I see as she picks up a piece of bacon and begins to soar it through the air behind Duncan as he passes out more sandwiches. I didn't even know that was possible... I lounge forward in an awkward way and catch the meat but collide with Duncan with my arms around him. He seems surprised and but smiles. "I um, Jesse wants a hug?" I say confusing myself. "You know you only needed to ask." He replies and give me a quick hug. Ok that was awkward. I shove the bacon in my mouth and look around. Where did she go know?! Brilliant. I turn around to see her sitting on the counter cross legged laying her head in her hands looking at me in the eyes. That's it!

"What do you want!?" Once again I gain every bodies attention. "I-I mean do you guys need anything else with your sandwiches any beverage?" I say quite embarrassed. I seem to find myself in these situations very often don't I? "No thanks this is good" Hannah says.

I then grab my sandwich and start munching while staring back at the girl for a response. "Well I wanted help, but obviously someone doesn't want to. So I'm just showing how much I appreciate that, thank you very much! Mr. I can't help cause I'm socially awkward and stuff and that you're dead. " She says confusing herself a bit but also hurting me like a punch to the gut. Ouch do I really sound like that? (Yes you do!) shut it mind it's not the moment...

"Although maybe you could put it into reconsideration and maybe try saying yes to helping me?" She says smirking.
"Never." I mumble back at her not breaking eye contact. You know I'm stubborn too. She takes step back surprised but then straightens again and grins "Fine a little more persuasion, might do you good." She says. Oh no!

She then goes up to Simon and steps inside of him Woah! I've never seen that happen before. Simon then blurts out "I'm A Barbie girl, in a Barbie world." Then sits back down and when gaining glances from everybody he asks "what?" As if he didn't know what he just did. She then points at Kim then Hannah then Duncan and Lewis then she points at me, "you're up next". She walks slowly up to me and I back up into the counter. Then run into the kitchen and once there whisper yell "Fine! I'll help you just- just stop annoying me!" She looks quite surprised because of my aggressive tone but is also satisfied and her shoulders slump and she sighs. "Well finally anyways see you later, little Kay" She says giggling and disappearing. She knows she shorter then me by an inch right!? Oh crap, the others.

I enter the room to see them finished eating and Duncan and Kim passed out on the lounge couch. Lewis and Hannah look at me with questioning looks "I had to go to the bathroom" I say rubbing my neck, I'm exhausted it has been a long day.

"Oh ok. Awe look at them sleeping on the couch shoulder to shoulder." Simon says. "They must be tired after this long day, I wonder what time it is?" I look at the time and it 9:43! I was supposed to be at the orphanage at 7. What am I gonna do now. "It's 9;43 already, woah that's way past our bed time" Hannah says giggling. "Well, I think we should head back to our hotel now,thank you again for everything" Lewis says holding out his hand. I just stand there for a second but instead of shaking his hand ... I hug him. It just felt right to do so. It wasn't awkward like the hug with Duncan I felt at-at home. Suddenly Simon yells "Aww group hug and the other awaken and join in. "I can't breathe!" I yell being squashed under these giants. Except for Kim but her alone can put some force. Everyone then laughs one more time before they were collecting their stuff. I just sat there and observed as they saw coast was clear outside.

"Goodbye" I say almost sadly but I need to stay strong at least in front of them.

Simon "Bye little Kay" I just smile And let that one slide.

Duncan "See you later Heisenberg."

Kim "Bye Kay have a nice night I hope that Sully will be ok with his.. Uh playmate." I smile to that and nod my head.

Finally Hannah and Lewis. Hannah "Bye hun it's was really nice meeting you and ..." She seems a bit saddened and doesn't finish her sentence. But to all our surprises Lewis says "We're all happy to meet up again tomorrow, so see you then Kiddo" he says smiling. After that I regain my composure and say back "I'd be glad to, and t-thank you." I just needed to say it, I needed them to know I appreciate them in my life even if they don't know what I'm thanking them for. At first they looked confused but then Hannah says "You too, Kay." And with that they left the shop. I sit there for a few minutes then I realize something. I'm seeing them again tomorrow! I stand up and bro fist the air like that scene in breakfast club.

Today was great but now... The time! It was now 10:05. Well I'm out. I Grabbed my stuff and ran out the door closing shop going to the orphanage. I climbed the gate and snuck inside, usually Head Mistress would be ready to give me the most giant lecture. But she wasn't there... I thought back and , oh poor Sully. I feel a bit of remorse but like I said 'I'm almost sorry'. I laugh evilly and silently as I make my way to my room. I open the door flop out in my bed. "Goodnight Kay," I whisper to myself. With that I drift to sleep.

A/N Thank you for reading and I love the support. I'm still also again sorry for the 3 days I did not upload but I'll post again and to make it up. Once again Kay has a big day ahead of him. And what does that Girl want him for!? Hold your knickers it'll all unravel it's self with the story progression. Till next time bye.

Kay's Wish (An Adopted by Yogscast Fanfic) ~In Progress of Re-Plot Writing~Where stories live. Discover now