[Don't push yourself] Sick Mary x Reader

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School event was coming up.

With so many games, challenges and food stalls

one event that you looked forward on was the 300m run.

Y/n is a very competitive person and always in 1st place (cannot relate but ok;-;)

*Next day*

Today is now the anniversary oh hyakkaou

having a big event with lots of stalls and games for the class

you woke up early as you were very excited

took a warm  bath and dressed up

eating happily as is something good happen to you

you were just excited for the games

leaving your home you walked to school in a bright mood

having a bright aura around you

you had your headphones on enjoying *insert fav song*

enjoying the song, you didn't notice the person infront of you

without a notice, you bumbed into the person in front of you

you had a good mood suddenly an object hit your head.

it ruined your mood

you remove your earphone and turn to the person

"What the hell you wa-"

"Don't what the hell me! your the one who bumbed into me!"

the person was none other than Mary Saotome

She was your enemy but not in gambles

she sometimes get annoying to you

but it was sometimes cute

you didn't admit it since she was your enemy.

you quit day dreaming and saw her ranting

while she was still ranting on you,

you put pack your earphones and left her.

arriving at hyakkaou academy

the entrace had a marvelous design,

stalls all around the school campus,

classrooms with different theme designs,

and so many more things around.

you arrived at the front of your classroom

about to open the door, you saw Mary glaring at you

it was a good thing she was not the same class at you

if she were she would always fight you

but sometimes you want to see her.

you entered your classroom seeing your friends waiting for you.

the group travelled around the campus

enjoying each food they had,

and played some mini games on the way

After many hours,

the 300m run will begin

1st years started first

it was an intense competition

seeing one of your friends Itsuki win made you happy

next was the 2nd years

you are your class representative for the run

and Mary being your enemy was also on the competition

"Go Mary!!"

an unfamiliar voice was heard

your looked over

it seems it was a new girl and probably friends with Mary

you got a little jealous

but you didn't mind and the run is about to start

cheers all over hearing your name and other competitor's names

the referee holding a whistle

told us to prepare.


cheers were very loud


The thrill on you is crazy


you sped up

leading on first place

having so many stamina left in you

the finish line was near

with Mary in second you heard a thud

you looked behind it was Mary laying down

running through her direction,

you carried her and brought her to the infirmary

you didn't care if you lost

all you cared was her.

the nurse told me she fainted having a fever

you stayed with her

watching her sleep

After hours of her sleeping,

she finally woke up

"Why are you here!"

she asked having a tint of blush

"I carried you here"

"its not like i expect you to be here anyway"

she replied and went silent

"Don't push yourself"

"you have a fever and still run"

you said in a worried state

"why do you care?"

you blushed

"hey im talking to you"

she said in an annoyed state


"it cause I like you ok"

you said facing away from her

she was shock from what you said but slowly softened

"You were jealous from Yumeko am I right?"

She asked

How did she even know that

"h-how do you know?!"

"it is obvious"

she teased

"I bet you like her and not me huh?"

you said in a sad smile

suddenly you felt a pair of lips on yours

you were speechless

she pulled away

"does this answer your question?"

*The End*

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