[Player 2] Runa x Reader part 2

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Runa's POV

It was already the next day I wake up seeing Y/n sleeping

'Shes so cute'

I thought

Her naked body with white sheets on top

It was kinda hot but I still have to confront that girl


I went to bath as I thought of what to do to the girl

'I have to punish her'

Pissed for what she did

I wear my usual uniform with my jacket on

Getting out of the bathroom still see sleeping peacefuly

I walk towards the bed

"Player 2? wake up we have school"

Shaking her gently

"Five minutes please"

she mumbled half asleep hugging the sheets

her cuteness made me chuckle

I went down and went to the kitchen

Looking around and said

"Time to do business"

as I put my sleeves up

Y/n's POV

I wake up from the sunlight hitting me

looking around I saw Runa already gone

'she already left'

I thought

She must have left

but suddenly i heared noises coming from the kitchen

I Immidiately went down with only a hoodie and shorts on

checking the kitchen it was messy

with Runa suffering from cooking

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