Till the sunrise

13 1 1

Warning: This chapter include signs of Insomnia

    Clocks just turned to 3 am and the whole, messy room was lighted just by one little lamp on the table. You were sitting alone in the chair by the table. With the big headphones on, connected to notebook, you was listening the music from youtube. Around the notebook was way too much energy drinks, cups from coffee, boxes from pills and few of your comforting stuffs. One, still not finished drink, was in your shaking hand. 

   You were tired and stressed. Work made you nearly crazy and coming every day to empty house was hard as well. You was lonely, wishing you can be with at least one of two men you loved.

  In the moment when you swiped to new chapter of story on wattpad in your phone, footsteps distributed the quiet all around. You didn't hear them, but your sence told you, you're not alone. Even you knew he stepped inside the room, you didn't turn your sight from the phone, pretending you're fully focused. Steps moved behind your chair, waiting if you're going to react. 

  When you din't moved, he placed his hands on your shoulders made you lean back. They were slowly moving in circles massaging you until one of hand did not move to forward, taking you gently under the neck.

„If I came to kill you, you'll be dead," he said with smile, while he was taking your headphones down and rising your head up.

The sweet voice. With this sound the world could end and you wouldn't be complaining.

Looking into his green eyes you felt calm, washing away your stress and sleep.

„Good for me, that I knew you were coming," you told him with tired smile. „Hello Hizashi."

„Hello, Y/N."

   He let his hand on your shoulder and looked into phone. His blonde hair fell over you and you could smell the parfume. It made you smile again.

„Reading those stories about me again?" he asked softly.

„They make me calm before you come."

„I'm here now. You can put it down."

„You'll give me something better then these?"

  You were obviously decided to tease him, but he was never playing your games. Going around the chair, he moved your phone away and taking you by hand he made you to stand up.

„Yes. A sleep for example. You look so tired. Do you even slept today?"

Shaking your head, made him sighn.

„When was the last time you actually slept?"

„I don't know. A two, three days ago?"

"What I'm suppose to do with you?"

"There's nothing much to do. But you know that, don't you?"

He just smiled, stroked your face, and leads you to bed by your hand.

„I know. So come to bed for a while."

„Sounds good. What we gonna do in there?" you asked with raised eyebrow.

„What about cuddles?" he laughed, grabbing you by waist, to made you fall in his arms into the bed.

  You laughed to. Making you both comfortable you covered your bodies with the blanket. Being held in his arms made you feel protected and loved and he knew it. As soon as you were calm, his hands started wondering around your body. He stroked your hair, arms, chest. Placed his hands on your stomach he took you closer and gave you kiss into your hair. You turned your head and kiss him on the lips.

„Are you calm now?" he asked softly.


He kissed you againg, slowly and softly.

„Are you sleepy?"

„Yes, but I don't want to. I want to be with you. You came late today."

„I know. But you need sleep baby."

   He kissed you once again and then pull you stronger on his chest, whispering calm words into you ear to made you fall asleep.

„Stop, please. I want to stay awake."

„It's nearly morning, Y/N. I have to go."

„I know," you nodded. „But I don't want to be alone again."

„You know I'll always come back, right?" He asked, rising your head by holding your chin and making you look into his eyes. You nodded once again.

„Good. Beside, you have work to do. But by looking at you, I can easily say it's not going to take long till I see you again. Now close your eyes and try to sleep for a while."

   Doing as you were told you can felt a soft kiss placed on your lips and his soft voice speaking to you the whole time before you finaly felt asleep.

„Sleep calm, Y/N."

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