Leaving from the town

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Edward took his jackets, folded and putted them inside of the luggage. Then he closed it and carried to the front door. While he was trying to carry his luggage (Because that was too heavy. He wasn't gonna leave his all clothes here) His mum, Jessica Davies came to help Edward.
"Oh, dear, why  did you carry your luggage over here? I was coming for help you!"
"That wasn't a problem for me, mum. And that is not heavy as you think."
Of course, that was a lie. His mum did not believe him either. However she took the luggage and carried to the car. Edward ran to his room again. Closed the door behind him and looked inside of the empty room. He looked at the window-sill, there were his books on it, but now, his books were at his luggage, waiting for him to open, read them. He always liked his room. He never and ever wanted to leave nor  he never thought about that. He looked out of his window. He has an amazing view from the window. He could see all of the town from there, he could see people walking along the streets or he could hear dogs barking cheerfully, he could see his friends' houses from his window. But now, he was looking outside of window for the last time. He took another look to his empty room. Then finally ,he leaved his room  and closed the door behind him slowly. His friends were waiting for him, to say goodbye.
Robert, Lisa and Mary.
"Bye" said Lisa, Edward could see tears gleaming into her eyes. Mary was the same, she hugged Edward for a long time, finally she stepped back from him and said                            " See you later"                                                Robert wasn't crying nor hugged him. They just shook hands. (Like everyone knows, boys generally doesn't show their feelings)
"Take care, Edward. I will miss you" said Robert . "Bye," said Edward quietly, took a last look to his friends and then he got in the car, closed the door. His luggage was under his feet. He could hear the sound of books moving inside of the luggage. Car began to move and he looked at his friends for the last time. When car moved to the other side of the house, he put his head to the window and watched outside. 
He saw his old school, the market and other things. Their new house wasn't so far. Just a few towns away. But he was still feeling like he gonna miss his old town. He took the picture ( Lisa gave to him )
from his pocket. That was a really old photograph. He and Robert was playing soccer at the back (at the photograph) Lisa and Mary was watching them, laughing. Edward looked to the photograph few minutes and putted back to his pocket. He will miss his friends, he will miss Robert's jokes, Mary's shoutings at Robert when Robert kidded her like Edward is injured. Lisa's smile when she saw them arguing, he was gonna miss his room, his house, he was gonna miss all of the things about his town. While he was thinking about his old town,h e didn't notice he arrived his new house.

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