10 - Edited

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📚 Edited : 04/January/2023


POV Dreams
6 pm

"Bitch D, Tubbo and I have to go home because of our parents," Tommy cursed , "okay, I'll tell the others that you have to go," I nod and went to the kitchen where Sapnap and George were talking. "Tommy and Tubbo have to go home because of their parents George" I explained, George nodded then we went to the door together and said goodbye to Tommy and Tubbo " we could play minecraft, Dream and I have our laptop with us"Sapnap suggested , George and I agreed "should I stream then?" George wanted to know "uhm sure, Sap and I can play in the living room together and you can play in your room so they won't see my Face, we'll just talk over vc " Sapnap and I went into the living room and George started the stream in his room, we both joined George in a Jump-and-Run server.  "Hey everyone!Today we play Jump-and-Run on the server with Sapnap and dream!" We heard George say through discord, you could hear that he was smiling ..god hes Just so adorable I can't help it.

~ little time skip ~
POV George

- Local.Din0saur donated $ 10 - Hey George, I love your video's so much. Why don't you react to Wattpad stories about yourself and dream? :)" George read out loud "Why not? It's not a bad idea at all" I said and just heard how  dream and Sapnap laughed a little bit. I searched up Wattpad on my laptop and typed "Dream x George" and there were lots of stories. I took the first story I saw ((the story came to my mind by chance so I don't think it's real )) and started reading loudly. "George and Dream had been together for 7 months without their fans knowing. But Sapnap got jealous. He wanted to have dream for himself- "I said while laughing at the last part, "what?" thats what I only get out of my mouth because I was starting to laugh again  while dream was starting to wheeze and Sapnap couldn't breath because of laughing "Sapnap was jealous, so he took a knife and went off" I said and immediately started laughing again,, WHAT?  I CAN'T" Dream shouted as heard how the story started to turn into something Yandere alike.

After we read the rest of the story and had played a lot of minecraft we still laughed for a while but I decided to slowly end the stream. I turned off my laptop and went towards the living room and saw Sapnap laughing on the floor, "It's  already 10 pm maybe we should order something to eat " I said with a smile "sure, how about ... pizza" Sapnap suggested with glowing stars in his eyes.

~ after they ordered Pizza ~

The doorbell rang and Dream opened it and came back with 3 pizzas, he gave Sapnap his pizza and put his on the table, but he held mine up real high , what a jerk. " Dream I swear to god give me my god damn pizza !" I  while trying to reach it but he just smirked " make me "He teased , I made an effort to grab my Pizza, our faces were very close right now, so close that there was just a little space between us. I suddenly lost my footing and stumbled forward slightly, brushing my lips against his. My eyes widened, our lips just touched slightly ?!!
I looked at Dream to find out what he was thinking, he looked at me in surprise and his cheeks were a little flushed. My heartbeat was so fast, what got into me? How could I let that happen, he's my best friend?!! But of course Sapnap haven't seen anything, he was busy with his oh so beloved Pizza. We didn't say a word to each other, he silently handed me the pizza and we both started eating in complete dead silence. How did it escalate so quickly? It was all so sudden. I can't stop thinking about that feeling as our lips touched just briefly. I feel all fuzzy inside. 

I felt so uncomfortable in the rest of the evening and had butterflies in my stomach. Sap and Dream talked while they ate  but I thought the whole time , why did i do that ?? does he hate me now? what's wrong with me? how does Dream think about me now?? "George?" I heard someone say my name "huh, what?" I asked as I came back to reality, " everything okay?" Sapnap's eyes were filled with worry but I just  nodded "Are you sure? you look so distracted" Dream then said while he looked into my eyes ,I god this eye contact.. I loved his eyes , they're  so beautiful. I could stare into them all day ..and those soft lips  everything is so perfect about him.., Urgh just look what you did to me Dream, you made me think about you in a way I never really did .. "George?you sure everything is okay ??" He repeated and I nodded again and felt how my cheeks heat up, how embarrassing.

"maybe we should go to sleep, it's already very late" Dream mentioned, so we went to the bedroom. I felt so nervous, now he was lying next to me. I also feel so restless as if I suddenly had an energy boost. ". Tell me , was it actually an accident?" Dream suddenly spoke up , his voice was a bit sleepier then some minutes before. "What do you mean?" I asked acting clueless, he looked at me but I avoided looking straight into his eyes. "The 'kiss' , was it on purpose or was it an accident?" He repeated, I don't know myself , well I did tripped over but I'm not saying I didn't like it.. It's like a half accident? ,"It was an accident, I wasn't paying enough attention , I'm sorry" I apologized and had to smile , I didn't know where to look and those heated up cheeks weren't helping me. "You know , it's adorable when you get all flushed"
Did he mean it?


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