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Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout of some kind and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed.

a/n: just like i promised, here's the first book, the other two are coming sooon and the other 5 oneshots are going to come out next week!!

happy love month yall <333


"Callie, seriously?" Miranda cursed inwardly.

"I'm sooo sorry, Miranda." The Latina woman pleaded over the phone. "This thing with Dr. Robbins is gonna last the whole night." Her voice lowered. "And you know, it might lead to more than just work, you get me?"

A few weeks ago, Callie and Miranda had made plans for Valentine's Day. Their agenda included rom-com movies, stuffing their faces with chocolates, buying flowers and accessories for themselves. It had been two years since Miranda got divorced, and a year since Erica Hahn left Callie, so they planned this little hang-out. Being lonely was out of the question now.

Until, well, Arizona Robbins kissed Callie in a dingy bathroom at Joe's, and the Latina felt the need to follow this beautiful blonde everywhere.

Miranda rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Come on, Bailey. I said, I'm sorry! Look, it's Valentine's Day, we had plans, and now I have separate ones. Go out, on your own, maybe you can get back the saddle. You know, get laid, or something."

"Uh, no. I'll just ask Ben to come over and hang out." She said, thinking about her best friend, Benjamin Warren.

They'd gotten off at the wrong foot, about half a year ago, during the merge between Seattle Grace and Mercy West. He was the Anesthesiologist when her patient woke up in the middle of her beautifully done surgery.

Miranda had screamed at him, not once, but twice. Inside the OR, and at the hallway outside the patient's room after they threatened to sue.

After resolving the matter (the patient metabolized through general anesthesia way faster than normal, and Meredith Grey took over the surgery, under Miranda's watchful eye), they spent more time with each other. Miranda felt comfortable talking to Ben, for some reason, and he was insistent that they become friends, and soon, they were.

Now, after a few months, they've been through a lot together. From her divorce, to his dad's death, they held each other through their pain. She valued their friendship a lot.

"Oh! I get it," Callie said suggestively. "Finally, you're going to tell him about your feelings. Go, girl!"

Miranda blushed, good thing they were only talking on the phone. "What, no. He is my best friend. Well, my other best friend. There are no feelings involved, except for platonic."

Callie snorted. "Yeah. Okay. Look, the man has been in love with you from the start, and you've liked him ever since he stood up to you. But, sure. Platonic love. Whatever makes you sleep at night."

She blushed deeper, grateful that no one was around to see her. "Torres," she warned.

Sure, the man was beautiful, God-given looks and intelligence, but the attraction ended there. Ben is a good man. That doesn't mean she automatically falls to his feet like every other woman.

"What, you guys have loved each other for a while now, I'm just saying it like it is."

Her stomach churned with butterflies. Miranda felt her heart rate climb. There's no way she loved her best friend, did she? And there's no way Ben liked her like that. He loved her like a sister.


"Well, it's not true. I can be friends with a man and not be secretly in love with him. What is this, a rom-com? We're just like you and Sloan!" Her heart pounded in her chest. She felt her tongue get rough like sandpaper as if she just told a lie.

Her and Ben's relationship was nothing like Torres and Sloan's. While Mark and Callie knew there was nothing between them but purely physical attraction and friendship, Ben and Miranda had this connection, this bond, that blurred the lines between physical and emotional.

But that didn't mean she was in love with Benjamin Warren. No, of course not.

Callie hummed, not convinced. "Mm-hmm. Keep telling yourself that, Miranda. But, I gotta go. They're paging me," she heard the familiar beeping of a pager through the phone.

The call ended and Miranda had to grab at her chest. She sighed and pursed her lips, trying to keep her feelings intact. Ben was her friend. They were just friends.

And they went to each other's house all the time. They cuddle, as friends do. Ben massages her feet, as friends do. She lets him lay his head down at her lap while they watch a movie, as friends do. They take care of each other, as friends do. They don't kiss (even though she would really want to feel his lips against hers), as friends do.

So, there was no harm at all to call him on Valentine's Day, and have him come over for a night hang-out, right?

No harm at all.

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