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numb your heart's desire




Chitanda awoke with a start; with the house moving at a great speed and the ground shaking like a massive earthquake had struck the building. She barely manages to reach the bottom of the steps before a voice greets her.

"Good morning, Chitanda-san!"

Chitanda turns, searching for the source. Her purple eyes drag themselves around the living room; towards the scattered mess by the bookshelf, the armchair, and then into the hearth. A face in the fire grins back at her. Is that —?!


"I have exciting news!" Satoshi peeks from behind the usual seat he idles in, yanking Chitanda's gaze away from the fireplace.

"Wha —!"

"I bet you're wondering what's going on!" Satoshi exclaims with glee, though Chitanda is far too distracted to react the way he wants her to.

Her attention is back to the flames, staring intensely, but the vision before her has vanished. Was it just a trick? Chitanda rubs her eyes.

"We're running away!" Satoshi utters, bringing Chitanda back to the present.

"Running away?" Chitanda echoes, grabbing onto the bannister as the house ran harder. "From who?"

"The Empress's guards are after you."

"Again?! " Chitanda shouts, which earns a chuckle from Satoshi.

How did these creatures find me? Chitanda can't help but think.

There are too many possibilities. She had dropped her hat when fleeing, could the guards have used that? Maybe they're enchanted, tasked to track their game by using personal belongings? Or, could they have seen Houtarou lift her to the skies and put two-and-two together? That could work too.

Speaking of the wizard.

"Where is Oreki-san? Does he know what's happening? Is he okay?" Chitanda asks, firing one question after another.

Given the situation they're in, Satoshi only manages to cling onto the last inquiry without losing concentration. "Houtarou knows, his distractor spells aren't doing much in terms of concealment. He isn't in the best shape, you see, so his magic is a little low. However, I could also argue that the Empress is one mighty witch!" Satoshi explains to Chitanda's pale face. "Would you mind feeding the hearth some logs? It would be a shame if it died halfway through the chase, it powers the house."

Chitanda wobbles over and throws five logs in. Sparks sputter, glowing bright orange. It's a dazzling sight, but there's no time to waste! Chitanda turns, glancing back at Satoshi. "Where's Oreki-san?"

"In bed." Satoshi replies.

"As in?"

"He's still asleep. Resting."

Chitanda gaps. "How? "

Satoshi only lets out a laugh.

Chitanda braces herself by the armchair and looks out the window, trying to count the distance between the moving house and the black gooey guards. One, two —

"You're too calm about this."

"Being stuck in a house with nothing to do has made me an opportunist for adventure." Satoshi answers, his face splitting into happiness. "This is the most fun I've had in years!"

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