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 Kindly note that the kissing scene is inspired by bex-chan's writing!! I hope you will like the story and please read the story till end.

Thank You,

Sam xx

It was freezing in London, everywhere was white with snow. The wind was whipping through the trees, creaking and groaning like an old rocking chair. Hermione Granger had just entered a cafe in diagon alley to relax from work. She was dressed up in a brown sweater layered up by a black coat and black leathered leggings. She had ordered a cup of Espresso Macchiato with cinnamon raisin bagels. She would often visit the cafe to rest after work and order the same macchiato and bagels. It was more often a habit now, she took out a book and started reading it. Until someone started walking towards her and sat down on the same table, she closed the book to see who was trying to disturb her. 

"You" said Hermione with surprise noticing the blonde hair and blue eyes which were staring her. "Yes Granger, it's me, the one and only Draco Malfoy." Draco replied in a sarcastic way.

"I know but the thing is what are you doing here on my table. If you are here after all these years to make fun of me, I am not going to tolerate. So please leave before I make you do that." Hermione warned him in an angry tone.

 "I am sorry" Draco's heart was beating faster than ever after saying these words. Hermione hadn't expected this, her mouth opened and eyes widened with surprise. As she was about to say something, the waiter disturbed the moment by serving the coffee she had ordered.

"Can I have one too?" Draco asked turning towards the waiter, "Sure sir, just a moment" the waiter replied in left with the order. "Granger, I am sorry because I am made fun of you all those years. I am sorry because I called you those words which I shouldn't have said. I am sorry for being rude to you. I am sorry for each and everything that you suffered because of me." Draco apologized in a soft tone. 

"Malfoy...I had forgiven you years ago but I am glad you realised it and apologized." The waiter again interrupted while serving the order. "I... thank you" Draco thanked not knowing what to say. 

Everything went silent, they both didn't know what to say. "I heard you are the new Minister of Magic, congratulations." said Draco breaking the silence. "Thank you, what about you what are you doing these days?" Hermione asked. "Nothing much. Practicing my flying skills and alchemy as a hobby." "That's nice." They talked and laughed together for sometime. 

"I didn't know Draco Malfoy had a good side too." 

"Believe me Granger, you don't know anything about me." 

"It's late. I need to go. Nice to have a talk with you. See you."Hermione left before Draco could say anything. Draco wondered he never thought he would enjoy Hermonie's company that much.

The next day Hermione following her habit went to the cafe, ordered a cup of coffee and bagels. She took out a book from a bag and started reading it. "Hi!" being familiar with the voice, Hermione lowered the book from her face and with a warm smile replied "Hello!" "You often come here, don't you Granger." Draco asked curiously.

"Yeah I used to visit often here until it became a habit. Actually I really need some time to relax after work so I found this place really relaxing. Less rush and all and other than that I love the espresso macchiato and cinnamon raisin bagels they sell. What about you, I hadn't seen you here before yesterday?"

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