Chapter 15

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Tae's pov

It's been a day since I found the book about the so called mistress in deep of the garden and of course I brought the book back to the castle and continue to read it but there wasn't anything in the book on to how to stop the mistress. So I don't know what to do because now this mistress did something to Aly which is making her dragon side show more then her wolf side ugh!!!!! I hate this so much but of course I has to tell someone but the book so I told Jungkook since I'm not ready to tell the others just yet.

I'm in the library trying to find a book that can help me in anyway with this mistress also rose is sleeping on the chair then I tried to reach a book that's on the to shelf but I couldn't since I'm a bit short but not as short as Yoongi though. I kept trying to reach it then I felt a hand on my hip then see another hand grabbing the book I turn around to see Jungkook with the book in his hand "Before you ask I was walking by and I saw you trying to reach this book so I decided to help you Tae." He smiles which makes me blush a little bit I grab the book from his hand "Thank you" "No problem Tae and are still trying to a way to end this mistress?" Jungkook asked I nod "Yes I'm because now there is more that she wants first it was Yoongi but now she is after Aly I just don't want anything to happen to my family" I look down at my feet, I don't want anything to happen to my older brother and little sister I already lost mom and a dad I don't want to lose my siblings.

Jungkook lifts my chin to make me look at him "Tae that it's not going to happen at all because we are all going to stop this mistress before she gets Yoongi and Aly ok believe on everyone don't think of the bad." I just nod my head and then I got a bit brave and pecked kook's lips which made him shocked and I saw a little blush cross his face so I giggled "Thank you kookie and could you stay with me" I asked cutely and he nods then we started to find out more about the mistress

"Well that's something but no matter Taehyung and Zecaeru wouldn't find anything more about me and I can't wait to see my new pet dragon very soon" the mistress smiles evilly

"Of course mistress you well have your pet dragon and I will get my daddy of a incubi too" Suga smiles widely

"Yes we will soon rule Avalor and no one will stop us!!!!!" They both laugh evilly

Aly's pov
The others have seen that my wolf side is dying also there is now more purple slags on my body and they don't stop at all and I really don't know why this darkness is now after me at all and of course Adrian hasn't left my side to make sure that nothing bad happens to me and I'm fine with it. We are in the living room

I sitting down on the couch and Adrian in one of the chairs I was so deep in my thoughts "Princess?" I slipped out of it and looked at Adrian "Yeah Adry" "Are you ok you seem like you were in deep in thought" I sighed and nodded "I was it's just t...

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I sitting down on the couch and Adrian in one of the chairs I was so deep in my thoughts "Princess?" I slipped out of it and looked at Adrian "Yeah Adry" "Are you ok you seem like you were in deep in thought" I sighed and nodded "I was it's just that I don't understand why this darkness is now after me? Why is my dragon side showing more then my wolf side?" Adrian stands up and sits next to me on the couch and cups my check "Princess I know that is this something new that is happening right now but you remember I'm here and also our brothers are too as long as we all stick together nothing will happen ok" I nod with a small smile on my face but then I felt pain and I whine "Princess what's wrong!" I couldn't say anything because the pain continue to grow "It hurts!!!" I hold my head in pain.

In Aly's mind
"Hello again dragon"
"You again what do you want now"
"Awww that you hurt my feelings pet"
"Wait what? Pet I'm not your pet do I look like a animal to you"
*Chuckles* "Of course not will not yet actually"
"What do you mean by that"
"Oh dear I can't say anything about my plan just yet you have to wait and see"
"No!!! Tell me now I hate that this is happening to me!! I want to know why you are after me and my brother!!"
"What do we have here I think your dragon is showing their true colors"
"What do you mean by that?"
"My dear Aly your dragon is stronger then you think but that's all I can tell you for now so goodbye"

I gasp back to reality and I look around to see I'm still in the living room laying on the couch then I look at my hands and see that even more purple slags are appearing on me. Then I heard someone coming and it was Adrian "Princess!" he quickly comes to my side "Are you ok! Do you need anything!" I giggle at how worried he was for me "I'm fine Adry you don't have to worry" I gave Adrian a smile "Ok you just had me worry after you fainted" I lean in a bit and kissed his cheek "Thank you for worrying about me Adrian" he blushed a bit and once again a giggle. Even though that this mistress is after me and Yoongi but we still can count on our family and friends who helps through it.

The plan that Suga and the mistress will soon happen once Yoongi excepts the darkness after he sees the one he loves betrays him by being with someone else and there is nothing that anyone can do once he is fully in the darkness......

But if his lover can prove his love to Yoongi then the darkness will soon be gone let's see if Jimin could be able to show his love for his kitten Yoongi.

Hi everyone I hope you liked this chapter and leave me your thoughts about it also comment whatever on here too so yeah bye fellow human being.💜

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