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So the princes and princess are with the sons of demon king every interesting who knows what I can do to theses hybrids and soon use them for their magic, powers for my being. Specially that kitten hybrid I feel the darkness within him and it's strong and ready to come out to play just wait for this necklace

to be around his neck but there is going to be someone who will make him wear this necklace and that's me and I know how to make that happen because his demon will be with a girl every soon HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAA...

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to be around his neck but there is going to be someone who will make him wear this necklace and that's me and I know how to make that happen because his demon will be with a girl every soon HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!

to be around his neck but there is going to be someone who will make him wear this necklace and that's me and I know how to make that happen because his demon will be with a girl every soon HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAA...

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See you soon Yoongi because we will have amazing encounter

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