Your daughter hears you arguing

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Y/s/n = your son's name
Y/d/n = your daughter's name


"I don't give a shit, Alex. We both wanted children. We have two young babies that need our constant attention. For the minute we don't get to go out until 4 in the morning for three nights in a row. It's unfair!" I shout, frustratedly.

"You're killing me, y/n. I need fucking time away.
Time to enjoy myself." He shouts back.

"So do I, Alex. But if you're not enjoying your life right now then maybe you shouldn't have fucking had kids with me!" I continue, tears now running down my cheeks.

I follow Alex's eyes to our crying little girl standing in the doorway. My heart drops. I move quickly and scoop her up, sitting on the floor with her.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here." I sob, rubbing her back.

"Why you shouting?" She cries.

"Nothing. It's okay. Everything is alright. Mummy is just very stressed out at the moment. Please don't cry, baby." I sigh, wiping her tears as she wipes mine.

I hold her close to me until we both calm down.

"Daddy's going out now. Say bye." I sniff, kissing her cheek and letting her go.

She climbs onto his lap as he sits on the bed. She wraps her little arms around his neck.

"Please don't go, daddy." She pleads.

"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart. Don't worry." He replies, stroking her hair.

"Just go, Alex. It's fine." I murmur.

"I'm not doing this while she's here."

"I'm not shouting or trying to get you to understand anymore. It's fine. Just go and do what you have to do. I don't want to stop you." I say, calmly.

"I'm not leaving you like this to look after two children alone."

"Why not? You did it last night and the night before." I shrug.

He sighs, not replying and burrows his head in y/d/n. After a while, she pulls back. She reaches out for my hand and I take hers. She tugs on my hand, so I move closer. I know what she wants. She wants me and Alex to cuddle her together, like we usually do.

"Not right now, bubba." I refuse, biting my lip to stop my tears.


"Because- um- because I don't feel very well. You need to get back in bed now."

She nods, sleepily and I take her back to bed, after she kisses Alex goodnight. I give in to Y/d/n's pleads for me to sleep in with her tonight, since she has her own small double bed now. I cuddle her close and when she falls asleep I sob my heart out. Everything is so overwhelming right now. When I need Alex the most he's not there for me. I begin to get uncomfortable, so I slide out of her bed and make my way into my room. I spot Alex's body laying on my side of the bed. I get in on his, turning my back to him.


I don't reply.



"You don't really think that I regret starting a family with you, do you?" He asks, nervously.

"I don't know. I don't want to, but that's how you're making me feel."

A tear slides down my cheek.

"Fuck. I'm sorry."

"Okay." I sob.

He moves closer and pulls me back into his arms. I cling to him.

"I don't know if I can do this. I've felt so alone these past two nights. It's so hard for me right now and I don't feel like you realise that."

"That's why I'm sorry, baby. I realised how much of a dickhead I'm being. It's unfair for me to be that selfish, when you're so caring and understanding. I promise I'll stop. I shouldn't 'ave gone out."

I turn to face him and burrow myself into his warm body.

"I don't mind you going out. It's just too much when it's happening for a few days in a row. I need you with me. Especially at the moment because I have to have my eyes on two kids at the same time otherwise one of them could hurt themselves and it's tricky and exhausting." I explain.

"I know, baby, I know. I was being selfish, wanting to go out three days in a row. I understand. I do love all of you so much, but sometimes I just feel like I'm not enough for you. I don't do enough to help you with them and then I just feel like I'm in the way."

"Oh, no. You are always enough. If you feel like that then you need to speak to me, instead of just running away from your problems. You always help me. They love you so so much. For the past two nights Y/d/n's been asking for you non-stop." I say, looking into his eyes and kissing him softly.

"I love you, darlin', so much." He exclaims, kissing my cheeks where I've been crying.

"I love you too, Al." I repeat, wiping the few stray tears that have fallen down his cheeks.

Suddenly, the sound of y/s/n crying fills the room. I pull back to get him, but Alex puts me back in place.

"I'll get him." He insists.

"He's probably just hungry." I sigh.

I watch as Alex moves to get him from the small room that's attached to ours. He comes back with y/s/n, who's happy now that he's with his daddy. He brings him to me and I lift up my top. He drinks happily, closing his eyes again. Alex wraps his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses the side of my head.

"Please don't ever say that I don't want our family. Especially not in front of Y/d/n. I never want her to feel like I didn't want her." He pleads.

"I won't. I'm sorry. I didn't realise that she was at the door. I wouldn't want her to think that either, even if it was true." I agree.

"I think I'm gonna go and bring her in 'ere. I just want her with us tonight." He says.

I nod. He gets up and brings y/d/n into our bed. She stirs slightly in his arms and pushes her face into his chest as he lays with her on top of him. She lifts her head slightly.

"Daddy?" She sighs.

"It's okay, baby. Go back to sleep. You're in mummy and daddy's bed."

"Dummy?" She pleas.

"No dummies remember, bubba. The fairy came and took them away. You can have teddy."

She nods, frowning.

I hand her the teddy on my night stand. She holds it close to her while she has one hand resting on the back of Alex's head, feeling his hair. I pull back down my top and go to place y/s/n back in his cot, he sometimes sleeps in, that is attached to the side of our bed.

"Love you, daddy." I hear Y/d/n whisper to Alex as I kiss Y/s/n goodnight.

"I love you, sweetheart." Alex replies.

My heart melts at the sight of them. I lay down again in Alex's spare arm. I rest my head on his shoulder and stroke Y/d/n's back. He kisses me once more before we drift off to sleep.


OMG thank you so much for 1k reads. I did not think I'd get that many🤯🤍🥺

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