✉ Conversations ✉

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You were walking home from the stands in town, a bottle of milk in one hand, bread in the other. Your mother had asked you to get milk and bread as she was going to be gone for the next few days, and she wanted some food for her at home for when she returned.

As you were walking to your own house, you passed (F/N)'s house, and you could here angry voices. You walked up to the door and the door slowly creaked as it opened.

"(F/N) just listen to me then everything will turn around!" Tony yelled, slamming his hands onto a table, shattering a glass mug, startling you.

"I swear, Tony. Don't you dare lay a finger on (Y/N), or else this plan of yours will go to shit." (F/N) seethed, shooting his brother a nasty look. But why was he mentioning you? Especially in a way that sounded like somebody would hurt you.

"Now, Now, (F/N), I'd say you threatening me it the last thing you would want to do. I'd suggest you think your next few words very carefully in front of your big brother."

By then, you decided to run back to your home, because the milk began to get warm. But you couldn't get that conversation off of your mind. You knew you werent supposed to hear it. it was a family argument. But your name was brought up, and something seemed off between the two.

(F/N) was always super nice and sweet, so it was odd to see him so grim and serious. And Tony had always been there for you, and though he always did sem a little bit odd, in the end, his actions were always meant to be kind, right?

So then, why was he threatening his younger brother like that? And.. was he talking about you?

Your eyes slowly opened to be greeted by a bright light. You turned to your side to shield your eyes, but you were awoken more by shrieks in the distance.

"She's awake! Shorty! Eyebrows! Get ov-" Hanji was interrupted by Levi punching Hanji right on her cheek.

You blinked a couple of times, adjusting to the light, than sat up against the headboard, scanning your surroundings. It seemed to be you were in a hospital room. Erwin was right to the left side of you, along with Hanji and Levi.

"How are you feeling, (Y/N)?" Erwin asked you. "Good." You simply said, still confused as to what was going on. "Do you remember anything?" He asked you, which confused you. You had to think back deeply.

"I-...I.." You were trying to speak, you were trying to remember, but for some odd reason it seemed difficult to speak whatever you were thinking.

"Tiny, don't push yourse-"

"I...Remember Titans coming into the walls....and I was with Levi. And then I jumped off of him and then..I felt stronger, and larger. I felt....Like I was being shocked..and elec-elec-....electrocuted all the time. And I did it all because I saw-" You suddenly stopped your explanation, placing a hand over your mouth, your eyes widening. "Armin! W-Where is he!? I- I..I...." You stopped when Erwin placed both his hands onto your shoulders.

"(Y/N), Armin is perfectly fine. Everyone is fine. You saved his life." Erwin sternly told you.

You looked down to your lap, and opened your hands and simply store at them. "I..couldn't watch another go away..." You quietly said.

Erwin released himself from you and walked closer to Levi and Hanji. "Now we definitely know (Y/N) has it in her to transform, I believe we could take her onto expeditions now." Erwin said confidently. Levi's eye twitched and his face went from calm to irritated.

"Erwin, that's an awful idea. First, all she can do is shift into a Titan, she wouldn't be able to defend herself otherwise. She is too young to learn ODM Gear and the blades. Second, we still do not know what are the affects on such a young age and being a Titan shifter. We don't know yet if it's harder to control for her. She could go haywire and wipe out half of the Scouts. Third, she is four fucking years old, Erwin. Do you understand taking a toddler into a war zone where she will, and I guarantee she will see many soldiers getting eaten alive! Do you understand that will scare the shit out of this kid?" Levi said, pointing to you at the last part.

Erwin sighed, rubbing his temples. "I understand your concerns, Levi. But our job isn't to shield (Y/N) from everything. Our job is to use her ability for the well-being of humanity. She will not die, but we cannot shield her from every threat the Scouts Face, we need her help to take down our threats. If she were to go on an expedition, I would put her on your squad and team you up with Hanji f the time being, while I would take her Squad and combine it with mine for the time being. Hanji will most likely have to do some experiments on (Y/N), so she will understand her abilities more clearly than anyone else."

Erwin paused to look at you, then continued.

"And your squad, Levi. They definitely are attached to her. I've heard them speaking about her in the halls, each of them has taken quite the liking to her. And, Levi.." Erwin said, now turning to Levi. "I know you. If someone important to you is in danger, you will do whatever it takes to save them as long as you are there. If (Y/N) stays with you, there isn't a doubt in my mind you will keep her safe." Erwin said as Levi clicked his tongue and scoffed.

You slowly and carefully climbed off of the hospital bed, and walked over to Levi, pulling at his jacket to get his attention. He looked down and his face looked less annoyed, but still quite stoic.

"I..wanna do what everyone wants. I wanna do what's best for everyone. Don't think about what's good for me." You said, looking up at both Levi and Erwin. Levi looked at you for some time then ruffled up your hair, then turned to Erwin.

"If anything goes wrong I am holding you responsible." Levi growled before he walked out of the room, tugging you along.

"Let me explain some things to you. Freshen up your brain, you know?" Levi said, continuing to walk through the halls as you walked next to him, trying to imitate the speed of his steps. "You know your like The Jaeger brat? Erm, Eren. You know your like Eren, right? You can turn into a Titan and help people?" He said, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to simple down his words, though in general it was a complicated topic. You nodded, none the less.

"So, try your best, when you transform, to remember who is on your side. You know we are good people, and the Titans are bad, so never attack a person, alright?" Levi said, keeping his face serious, but also a drop of gentleness lingered in his expression. You nodded back, and left what were simple words to you, extremely complicated words in his head.

"If I can help as much as Erwin-San says, then I don't care what happens to me. I just wanna help you all do what you wanna do."

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