Hange's Day

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|||Requested by: I_Simp_For_Hanji|||

You were sitting criss cross apple sauce in the dirt as Hange introduced you to two titans who were chained up. Hange gushed on about you being the scouts next scientist and she'll teach you everything she knows.

This seems out of nowhere, so let's rewind a little bit...

"Brat, I've got a meeting with each Regiments Commander, and I am Erwin's plus 1, so.. both won't be here and Erwin won't be able to take care of you, which means..." Levi explained, making a very disgusted face at the end.

"IM TAKING CARE OF YOU TODAY! ❤️" Hange came out of nowhere, lifting you up in a MMA styled hug. Luckily Erwin and Levi were there to separate you both so you didn't die of lack of air.

Erwin cleared his throat. "Hange, please be careful with Y/N. She's only four years old, so she's fragile. Be gentle, and no experiments on her while we are gone." "Okay! I'll see you guys later!" She called out, running away with you in her arms as you waved cutely to Levi in Erwin, so cute that arrows pierced their hearts.

So, Hange walked right out of HQ apparently, you still hugged up in her arms. "Since Papa Shorty isn't around, let's try out a bunch of my favorite treats, okay!? Don't tell him, because he'll probably start yapping off like an overprotective dad about stuff not being healthy for you." Hange said, smirking at the last part about Levi turning into an overprotective dad for you.

Turns out, Hange' trip insisted with a bunch of sweets and treats. Cakes, chocolates, a four year old's dream, honestly. You were stuffed after, and Hange put the bill on the Survey Corps tab. She's one hundred percent going to get yelled at.

"Now, I want you to meet my new friends!!" Hange mentioned before heading back to HQ

And back to the present, here you are now, watching as Hange was breaking out in a tap dancing performance, dodging her new 'titan friends' as they all tried to kill her.

"Section commander, your getting way to close!" Mobley yelled as he was scribbling down notes in a tiny notebook about the Titans responses. Hange halted when she felt you hug her waist. She look down and your eyes met with her large brown eyes.

"Titan's bad. Danger." You said, trying to drag her away, to which she walked with you. "It's alright Tiny. It's my job to get close and personal with these ugly guys. I know when to be serious when I need to, so just trust me, 'k?" She mused, squishing your cheeks as you nodded.

"Now, why don't we do something that suits more with your style, hm? Shorty mentioned to me that you enjoy drawing, and I got stacks of paperwork in my office, so please draw on them!" She offered, comedically sweating at the mention of the piles of paperwork.


"Hange, how much did you spend the other day!?" Levi called out from his office, echoing throughout the hallways all the way into Hange's office, making her sweat out of fear.


-Hange offered you to draw on her papers as a way to make an excuse about not being able to complete her paperwork.

-Hange told Levi that you were an angel while she was taking care of you.

-Hange bugs Levi all the time about hanging with you again, much to Levi's dismay (He doesn't trust her one bit).


-Levi indirectly nagged to Erwin the whole time he was gone about missing you. Nobody who was normal would understand that's what he was complaining about, but Erwin knew.

-Erwin hung up your artwork on Hange's paperwork on his wall behind his desk.

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