Chapter 2:

194 11 2

Mrs. Reynolds POV

We went to the front desk and got all the papers signed etc. and the lady gave me a file to see some things about her..

Amari Grace (first and middle name):

Age: 4

Been here for: 3 years

Birth date: may 24th 1996

Hmmm, the same as cahtahs

Color: strawberry blond
Length: up to her hips
Ect.: bangs, and naturally a little wavy but after a few brushes, it'll be straight

Color: blue (I know in the pic she has brown, but pretend! Listen to sponge bob 'imagination' 🌈)
Eyelashes: long
Eyebrows: on fleek (had to! 😂)

Hight: 2'9

Behavior: Active, but when around super load noises picks up a shy behavior, and is smart, she will find her way around anything

Allergies: Collie flower, and bee stings

Brought here because:
Mom: died in a car crack
Dad: killed himself -cops brought her here
Family: couldn't find anyone

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