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February 8th, 2021
Greetings! So here I am... a few days late to the party.

After a very last minute decision, I decided to join this year's Open Novella Contest. The prompts have tempted me to write another dark/mysterious story ever since they came out, but thanks to WriterAnimated who brought some specific ones to my attention, these were the ones I ended up choosing:

Prompt 1 - "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - from The Dark Knight

Prompt 29 - "I am in the mood to dissolve in the sky." - Virginia Woolf

Prompt 50 - From dusk until dawn you're human. During daylight hours, you are a creature straight out of even the most hardened individual's worst nightmares.

Prompt 57 - Death has records of everyone's existence. Except - according to Death - your records don't exist.

Prompt 59 - "Man, I could kill for a good beer," you say. The bartender looks both ways before leaning towards you. "Do you mean that? Because there is someone I would like... disposed of." (Removed in Draft 2, sorry!)

Prompt 66 - When you die, you come back. But you never come back the same, there's always a price to pay for resurrection.

These are a lot, but I'm always interested in combining several prompts and see how they can connect to each other in their own ways.

Anyway, thanks a ton for reading this note and for clicking this story. I hope you'll enjoy it. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions along the way, I really appreciate them. I don't guarantee for a fast response though, but I'll always read whatever's there... and reply when my fingers are in a typing frenzy XD

I also wish you the best of luck in ONC 2021, if you're also joining it (and the best of luck in your current writing projects, if you aren't). Please also feel free to drop your entries here or in the PM, I'll be happy to support my fellow writers.

P.S. I'd like to give a shout-out to Laentheon and her graphic shop, A Matter of Time, for making such a suitable cover for this book.

If you're interested in making some graphics for your story, you should try checking her out :D

July 5th, 2021
Hi there! Since now ONC has finished (and Day-Lynx—thank God—got into the Shortlist), I decided to inform that I'm working to edit this story into a better and cleaner version. I finished this novella in three months after all, and though the plot is all wrapped up, I think I still need to improve my writing.

And here I am working alongside a Mentor in Novella Bootcamp, NDeMeer! She's one amazing help. And now I'm so excited to publish Day-Lynx's new version here XD
(P. S. Please don't be alarmed if some chapter's contents may change, or the inline comments don't show up. And if the chapter no longer has a word-count marker at the end, then it's the edited version :D)

And lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who has read this far! And also those—either readers, book club friends, writing pals, reviewers, or judges—who clicked this small story among tons of others. I'm so grateful for all your feedback and support.

Have a great day/night wherever you are <3

December 28th, 2021

Hi there! It's been a while since I spent some time here. I admit I haven't done much editing in these past few months, thanks to all the hectic classwork and my skydiving sanity XD I'm sorry for not getting back to your latest comments as well; I could only watch the notifications trickling in without having the time and energy to reply. I'm currently picking up where I left and taking notes from all your feedback, while also working on the rest of this draft along with my mentor, so here's to hoping for a more productive year ahead!

Have a great day/night wherever you are <3

Day-Lynx (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now