A New Beginning

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It all started with that sound of the bell... Ding Ding Ding... It was time to go back to class. I hated going to school all the eyes staring at me watching my every move. Waiting for me to embarrass myself. Waiting for a simple yet silly mistake to give me a horrible nickname. I grab the straps of my bag and head into the building slowly my heart beating so loud I start to believe that others can hear it. I begin to heavy breath knowing that each step I take I get closer and closer to the doors of doom. I finally make it to the doors, i stand there hoping in some miracle that the doors won't open and I wouldn't have to go in. I close my eyes knowing this is a new start at a new school. Since my dad died, mother wanted a fresh start for us. I put a brave face and walk through the doors preparing myself for all the eyes going to be on me. Swoosh the doors open making a loud sound, all eyes tum and face me judging me as whispers begin to fly through the halls but I can't make them out. I take a deep breath and make my way down the halls. I stare at the ground making sure to not make a stir. I finally make it down the hallway when I feel the eyes of all the kids and teachers looking at me. I look up and everyone looks away from me as if I am the most intimidating thing they have ever seen. I pull my hood up to cover my face where the scar of the angels is. I remember when I got that scar. I was walking home through the field when I heard a loud but low growl come from the woods behind me. Father always said never look behind you when you hear the Kalvine growl. Because they will mark you with the angel's scar. I forgot my fathers words and turned around to see who or what was there. I came face to face with a Kalvine, a large wolf-like creature but the limbs of a creature who crawled out of what nightmares are made of. I turned to run hoping I could out run the Kalvine. I ran as fast as I could. Screaming for someone to help me as I am nearing the edge of fields i hear my father call out to me to slide under the bushes, but before I could even make my body slide the Kalvine reached out it's long arms to grab me, I turn and look back as the hands of this hideous creature scratches my face. All I can feel is the burning sensation of the claws and pain that has just happened. I fall to the ground unable to see what is happening. I close my eyes. All I can hear is the screams of Kalvine and my father. When I come too all I see is the silhouette of the Kalvine and my father picking me up carrying me home. I close my eyes, losing consciousness once more. I wake up in the hospital with my mother by my side crying as if I died and she would never get to say goodbye. I call out for my father but no reply my mother whispers out he is gone. I try to sit up but I fall back down to a lying position as I call out for my father once again. My mother begins to sob louder crying out that he is dead because of me. I let her words sink in as tears begin to fill my eyes and run down my cheeks. I can feel my warm tears running down my face but as i let the words sink in I cant hear myself crying as i still call out for him. I pass out because of the exhaustion of screaming for my father to say something and the guilt of killing my father all wrapped up inside of me. I don't remember much after that day. I remember coming home from the hospital but all our things were in boxes as mother only needed to grab a few things from the house before the movers came in to take things onto the truck to send them to our new house in Dewey Oklahoma, a podunk town with less than 3,422 living in it. I remember my mother calling my name. "Olivia Olivia!" Wake up honey it's time for you to go to school. I wake to my mothers beckoning at me, I roll out of bed and open the door to get dressed, not even daring to look at the mirror in my closet as for that scar cursing me as a reminder that I KILLED my father. I pull on my hoodie and put my sweats on. I brush my hair and pull my hair to the side of my face to cover the scar. I grab my books and bag and hurry out the door as my mother didn't have much time for me anymore since she had to get to her job. Before I left for school. I hurry to the school since I only live a block away from it. I look at the puddle sitting on the road making sure that my scar is covered still. So now you are all caught up to how I made it here. Looking back all the frightened faces I shoot my glance at the only kid who didn't look away from me in fear or disgust. She walks up to me and says "Hi, I'm Sadie. What brings you to are little school" I told her it was because my mother got a new job but I think she could tell I was lying, but she didn't want to call me out for it. She looks at me and reaches up to pull my hood down. I swipe at her hand as I raise my voice saying do you not know who I am?!?! I am Olivia the cursed if you touch me you will be cursed as well and the same thing will happen to you! She pulls her hand back and apologies saying she didn't know but she still wanted to be friends with me as she walked away. I headed to the first period where my english teacher was prepared to endure the teasing and taunts of other students. As I walk in, the whole class goes silent and just stares at me as I make my way to my seat. I watch kids put their bags in the seats next to them to keep me from sitting next to them. I walked to the corner of the class where it was farther away from everyone. I can hear them whispering and laugh and giggling at me. I try to ignore them but all I can hear is their laughter growing louder and louder. I stand up and throw my hands down of the desk and begin to scream as the floor begins to shake and the walls and ceiling move violently.

BEEP BEEP BEEP ( Alarm goes off)

"Wake up Olivia it's time for school" I take a deep breath realizing it is all just a dream.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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