chapter 20 ~ jane

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• mature language

// Dreams pov

My first impression of London was exactly what George had expected it to be, cold.

Alot colder then what id thought it wouldve been.

It takes a while to get through customs and security, but we get through eventually.

Tommy isnt tired at all, but I can tell George is getting drowsy.

"How are we getting back to yours?" I ask Tommy, as we head through the doors of the airport and into the freezing morning.

I check my phone and im suprised to see its 5am, I thought it was much later then that.

"A taxi" Tommy tells me, walking over to a long line of cars I hadnt noticed until now.

I take Georges hand and walk him alongside me. I wonder how long itll take to get his sleep schedule back to normal after this.

George climbs into one of the cars as me and Tommy load everything in the boot.

Tommy sits in the front seat beside the driver and tells him where to go, so I sit in the back with George.

The driver looks quite young, and Tommy sparks an immediate conversation with him.

"You okay?" I ask George. He nods at me in response, before shuffling over towards me, laying on my shoulder like he had on the plane.

Within minutes hes already fallen asleep, and im not suprised. Tommy continues talking to the driver, and I turn to look out the window as we drive out past the airport.

After a couple of minutes we get out of the city where the airport had been, and now we're surrounded by fields. Fields with cows and sheep in them.

Theres a soft glow coming from the sun thats reflecting over the fields, and I think its starting to settle in that im actually here with George.

Im here with him, and hes not going anywhere.

Not yet.


It takes around 40 minutes, but I can eventually see a bigger city come into view.

I already know its London, I can tell by how alive it looks at this hour of the morning.

George is still asleep on my shoulder, and Tommys telling the driver where to go.

As we drive through the city I realize its alot bigger then id expected, full of people and huge buildings. Not as huge as New York, no, but its still big.

We drive for about 5 minutes through the city, until we get to what looks like the edge of town. Its less lively down here, and I can see more apartments and houses come into view.

I look out the windows and peer at each house. Theyre all victorian looking, pressed up tightly against one another, and I feel like im in some sort of old movie.

Tommy starts to point at one specific house about halfway up the road, and I decide I should probably wake George up.

"George" I whisper in his ear, tapping his leg softly.

But he doesnt respond, he doesnt even move. I shake his leg a little harder this time.

"George" I say again, but I still get no response.

The car stops outside of a house that looks like all the others, but I know its theirs.

Tommy gets out money to pay the driver, and I realize im going to have to just carry George.

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