𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ~ 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

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Amara's POV:

Me and Harry were sitting in the compartment f the train and then the sliding door opened to reveal the same Red headed boy we saw at Platform 9.

"Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else's full." He said. "Not at all" harry gestured to the seat beside me, we had been sitting across from each other contemplating what school would be like and looking at the amazing view from the train.

The boy, comes and sits next to me and smiles, "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." He states, "I'm Amara Potter, and this is my brother Harry Potter," Harry did a little wave at Ron.

Ron's face instantly dropped and he pointed between us, "S-so it's true? i mean, you both really have th-the-" he leaned in and whispered "scar?" he pointed to his head, "The scars? Yeah," harry said revealing his forehead that was hidden behind his messy hair,

I pointed to mine too, "Wicked." Ron smiled looking between us, then we look to the compartment door to see a nice old woman walking with a, what looks to be, a trolley down the aisle of the train. "Anything off the trolley dears?" the nice lady speaks, 

"No thanks, I'm all set.." Ron holds up a plastic bag of food, me and harry look at each other, then smile, "We'll take the lot!" Harry and i say in unison. Harry then grabs some galleons from his pocket and hands them to the trolley lady. "Whoa" Ron looks at us wide eyed.

We were on the train still and Harry, Ron and I were munching on the sweets we'd bought. Ron was explaining the different flavors of the beans Harry was eating, some sounded rather gross. "Ew, they really have those?" i asked "Sure do, George swears he got a bogie flavored one once!" he replied.

Harry continued to take the bean out of his mouth he was chewing on, then goes to open the chocolate frog box he picked up,

"These aren't real frogs are they?" Harry looks at Ron, "No, it's just a spell. Besides, it's the card you want, each pack's got a famous witch or wizard." Ron says, with his mouth full, i laughed.

"-I got about 500 myself" he finishes. Harry opens the box, and the sneaky little bugger jumped out fast, which startled harry. "Watch it!" Ron shouts, then it jumps out the window, gone. "Blimey, they're fast aren't they!" I looked at the window wide-eyed. "Aw, that's rotten luck, they've only got one good jump in them to begin with." he half smiles, harry scans the card that the frog had come with.

I look at the window again and zone out the sound of Ron and Harry talking about Dumbledore being on the card, and i was whisked away by my own thoughts... that is until, Ron said something about a spell, i looked up.

Ron was about to perform the spell, before a young girl with brown bushy hair comes to the compartment door, "Has anyone seen a toad?" she asks, "a boy named Neville has lost one." She then explains. 

"No sorry, we haven't" i tell her, she smiles at me but then looks to Ron who was about to say his spell, "Are you doing magic? Well, let's see it then." She gestures for him to continue.

Ron clears his throat and then waves his wand, "Sunshine Daisies, bottom mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow." He finishes the spell, and well, nothing happens. I felt bad for him, but i suppose this is what we're going to Hogwarts for, to learn how to do real spells.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?" Ron looks at me wide eyed, and annoyed, i just smirked. I could tell i liked her, we'd be good friends, she continued to explain how she's tried a few spells as well, REAL one's, she made sure to emphasize that part. She was being a rather rude to Ron though,

She came in and sat next to me right where Ron was before he moved next to Harry, "for example," she pointed her wand to Harry's head and said 'Oculus Repairo' and Harry's glasses were fixed! It was really cool to see real magic and not just read about it in some silly old book.

Then suddenly, she gasped "Holy crickets! Your the potter twins! I'm Hermione Granger, and, you are?" she then looked to Ron, "erm, Ron Weasley" Ron spoke with his mouth full, and Hermione grimaced "Pleasure." "Do you mind if i call you 'Mione?" I asked her, "of course! If i can call you Mara that is," She asked, "that would be lovely" i gave her a warm smile, oh we were going to be best friends alright. It'll be nice to talk to someone other than my brother for once. Don't get me wrong, i love Harry with all my heart, truly, but it'll be nice to have a best friend that's a girl, like me.

"Now, you three better change into your robes, i expect we'll be arriving soon," she gives me a smile and then walks out the compartment. But before she fully leaves, she turns around and proceeds to tell Ron he's got a bit of dirt on his nose, then walks off.

We arrive to the station and get off the train after getting on our robes, thankfully they weren't as boring as the one's our aunt were going to have us wear, but they still didn't have any color. At least for now, Hagrid said when we get into our houses they have the house color magically appear on them. My favorite color is green, though, Hagrid did tell us that it was the house color of Slytherin, and they aren't exactly the nicest people, and the man who gave us our scar was in that house. But, even though the people in the house sound mean,i wouldn't mine being laced in Slytherin. Harry however is hoping to get Gryffindor, and most certainly NOT Slytherin, whatever, i guess we'll soon see.

"Right then, first years, this way please!!" Hagrid shouts, getting our attention, Me, Harry, Ron and 'Mione approach Hargid, along with a few other kids i haven't met. "Right then, this way to the boats, c'mon now," he waved his hand, having us follow him. "Boats?" Harry whispers to me, i just smirked at him and followed Hagrid.

Soon enough we had boarded the boats and were sailing off, looking at the beautiful castle ahead, man was it big. It was supposed to be our home for the next few years, how am i supposed to remember how to get around this place every day??

Just before we arrive, I look over to the boat next to me, in which sat three boys, two of them were larger and had black hair, one in the front and one in the back, while sat in the middle was the blonde haired boy from the robe fitting shop in Diagon Alley, he then looked over and for a second his faced was surprised, so i smiled at him and he smiled back, then i looked away.

But i could still feel his stare from the back of my head.. 


A/N: Another chapter will be up soon! I'm sorry there's not much Draco content yet, but trust me, your in for a ride...


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 ~ 𝐃.𝐌 [𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃]Where stories live. Discover now