Chapter 3: Calm

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High above the vast expanse of the never-ending azure sea, a tempest of majestic dragons soared through the skies. For countless days, their riders gazed upon the boundless blue horizon, their eyes filled with wonder and anticipation. Beneath them, three magnificent ships, crafted by the skilled hands of the elves, glided gracefully across the shimmering waves. These vessels carried the elven magicians, their presence a testament to the ancient bond between the elves and the mystical creatures that soared above them.The dragons, with their iridescent scales glistening under the sun's warm embrace, seemed to dance in perfect harmony with the wind. Their powerful wings beat rhythmically, propelling them forward with effortless grace. As the days turned into weeks, the riders marveled at the sheer vastness of the sea below, its cerulean depths seemingly endless. The dragons' keen eyes scanned the horizon, ever watchful for any signs of danger or adventure that lay ahead. Meanwhile, the elven ships, crafted with meticulous precision, sailed beneath the dragons' watchful gaze. These vessels, adorned with intricate elven symbols and blessed with ancient enchantments, carried the elven magicians. The journey had already spanned two weeks, yet the distance they had covered remained a mystery.

Baldur's gaze shifted towards the tranquil sea, its surface undulating gently under the influence of a soft breeze. The ships, laden with an abundance of provisions and designated resting spots for the majestic dragons, glided smoothly through the calm waters. Each vessel was prepared to accommodate a single dragon at a time, ensuring their comfort and safety in the event of an absence of land. Lost in his thoughts, Baldur contemplated the vastness of the ocean that stretched out before him. He couldn't help but wonder how many more days he would have to endure the arduous journey, soaring through the skies atop his loyal dragon companion, Blödhrir. As he stretched his back, a satisfying crack echoed through the air, momentarily relieving the stiffness that had settled in his muscles. Meanwhile, the captain's voice boomed across the deck, barking out orders that sent the sailors scurrying to carry them out with utmost urgency. Baldur observed the captain's grumpy expression and irritable demeanor, always on the lookout for the tiniest excuse to unleash his wrath upon the hardworking crew.

As Baldur flew  over the crystal-clear waters, a sudden commotion caught his attention. With a sharp turn of his head, he witnessed a magnificent dolphin leaping gracefully out of the water, its sleek body glistening in the sunlight. The splash it created echoed through the air, leaving Baldur in awe of the creature's agility and beauty. It seemed as if the dolphin was playfully following their boat, as if inviting them to join in its aquatic dance.

Of course the most impressive sight had been a group of whales. The sheer size of these majestic creatures was truly astounding. Each whale towered over the ocean, dwarfing even the largest dolphins. In fact, these colossal beings were four times the size of a single dolphin! It was a sight that filled Baldur with wonder and admiration for the wonders of the natural world.

"I could eat a whale right about now" Blödhrir interrupted his thoughts.

"Me too!" Baldur agreed feeling his stomach growl with hunger. He did not want to hear about fruits and vegetables for a long time, and his mouth watered as he imagined himself eating some meat.

As they sailed further into the vast expanse of the open sea, uncertainty loomed over the crew. With no clear indication of how long their journey would last, they adopted a cautious approach to rationing their supplies. They consumed small portions of food, ensuring that they had enough sustenance to keep them going. They also limited their water intake, sipping sparingly from their meager reserves.

Still, by now their provisions were already beginning to get low and they would very soon need to find land if they hoped to survive this journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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