Chapter Thirty-Two: All Before Lunch

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Gwen entered the Hufflepuff common room her head dizzy from the lingering feeling of Fred's lips pressed against hers. Every step felt like she was floating through the air especially compared to the heavy dread she had been feeling earlier in the day.

"Where have you been?" Hannah shouted from the sofa. "I was worried sick when you weren't in our room."

"I'm fine," Gwen sank dreamily into the cushion next to her friend.

"Well, I guess now that you're back I can tell Ernie he doesn't have to change into his school robes to look for you."

"I'm not in our room after dinner and you formed a search party," Gwen teased.

"You were in quite the state all day I was worried about you," Hannah confessed. Her eyes examined Gwen on the couch. "But obviously something has changed."

"What makes you think that?" Gwen blushed.

"Gwen, your head is in the clouds."

"Maybe a little."

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?"

"Maybe?" Gwen bit her lip in an attempt to hold back her smile.

"Gwen! Oh, come on. You have to tell me. You literally went from sulking around the school to 'chipper skipper.'"

"I talked to Fred."

"Wait," Hannah sat up straighter. "I thought that's what made you upset earlier."

"Well, yes, but–"

"Gwen?" Ernie said as he came down the hall in his uniform, Prefect badge shining on his chest.

"Yup, our little girl found her way home all on her own," Hannah teased.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "You know I am capable of taking care of myself."

"We know," Ernie walked towards the sofa. "We were just worried about you. I mean you said maybe two words at dinner."

"I'm feeling much better now. So no need to worry about me anymore," Gwen eyed her friends. "Either of you."

"Unfortunately for you, I'll always be worried about you." Ernie took a seat next to Gwen.

"Thank you?"

"What I think he was trying to say," Hannah continued. "Is that we are your friends so we will always care about you."

"So what happened?" Ernie asked them.

"I don't know, Gwen was just about to tell me what happened with Fred."

"Fred?" Ernie grinned. "Like The Fred."

"Oh, my God, 'The Fred'," Gwen scoffed.

"Well? Is it?"

"If 'The Fred' is Fred Weasley, then yes." Gwen ducked her head down.

"Merlin's beard! What happened?"

"She could tell us if you stopped asking so many questions," Hannah scolded Ernie.

"Sorry, sorry," Ernie whispered. "Okay, speak."

"So, we talked," Gwen started.

"And?" Ernie interrupted.

"Ernie!" Hannah shouted.

"What?" he put his hands up defensively.

"You are about two seconds away from being sent away and not hearing about my night," Gwen crossed her arms.

Ernie mimed zippering his lips shut then sat on his hands and leaned in eagerly.

"Okay, well, after dinner I didn't feel like going back to the room, so I walked around the halls for a while where I ran into Fred and George and Lee." Gwen looked at Ernie who had his hand raised.

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now