Chapter Fifteen: Snape's Detention

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"Aren't you lucky, so do I." Fred smirked.

"Great." Gwen replied.

"Don't sound so happy about it."

"No I am, I am. I just don't really want to make a habit of getting detentions."

"I didn't either, but here I am." Fred smiled.

They reached the door to the potions classroom. Fred pulled it open.

"After you." He extended his hand.

"You're late." Snape said as the door closed behind them.

"Sorry, you know Thatcher here is quite the bad influence." Fred winked.

Gwen jabbed her elbow into Fred's side, to which he doubled over exaggerating his pain.

"Weasley, I don't want any funny business out of you. Thatcher is here to help keep you in line, seeing as your last two detentions with me I was left missing a few very expensive ingredients. If it happens a third time I'll ensure you spend the rest of your sixth year in detention, understood?" Snape snarled.

"Understood, Professor." Fred sassed.

"Watch your tone with me. I expect all these shelves and textbooks to be organized. They should be put in order so the oldest is at the front, with newest supplies in the back. They should also be alphabetized and sorted by function. I trust Weasley must know this since he used a good amount of these to turn Mr.Malfoy and his friends into creatures. And do not touch the cabinet near my desk. I'll be back in two hours to check on your progress. Don't make me come back before then." Snape said before flipping the cloak over his shoulder and entering his office.

"Isn't he quite the buzz kill. Why couldn't we just sit and think about our actions?" Fred laughed. "Because I would love to keep thinking about the look on that chicken's face."

"I personally think the look on Pansy's face was the most rewarding." Gwen smirked. "So where should we start?"

"You're actually going to do it? You know he'll let us out in three hours regardless if we do it or not."

"Well maybe he'll let us out early if we finish it all."

"That desperate to get away from me?" Fred teased.


"So you want to spend this time with me?"

"I didn't say that either." Gwen smiled.

"Oh, I know you love me."

"In your dreams, Freddy."

"Yeah, especially there." Fred said suavely.

Gwen felt some redness enter her cheeks.

"Um, let's start with the textbooks."

Gwen opened the cabinet and began to tear the books from the shelves. These books ranged from mint condition, to barely distinguishable. Some of the textbooks were printed in ancient Wizard languages.

"How do you alphabetize something that doesn't use the alphabet?" Gwen exclaimed examining the book in her hand.

"I don't know why you even bother. Snape is just doing this to waste our time." Fred said leaning back against the nearby cabinet.

"And you know this because?"

"Gweny, darling, sweetheart, have you met me? Do you know how many times I've had detention with Snape in my six years? Do you know how many times George and I have had to organize this room? I know where every last potion, ingredient, book goes, and yet somehow every time I'm back they've moved."

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now