Chapter Seven

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I started to organise my locker while I waited for Calum. It wasn't really dirty but it gave me something to occupy myself with.

"Ready to go" Calum swung his backpack over his shoulder. I followed his actions and shut my locker ready to head home. "Hey if this is too personal you don't have go answer but are you rich? Everyone says you are but Luke says otherwise" Calum knows Luke? Well I guess everyone knows Luke but he talks to him?

"Honestly I'm not poor but if you don't mind, can we keep it between us. I really don't want that harsh attention from everyone" Calum nodded with a pleasant smile, reassuring that it would be kept between us. "so does this mean I get to see this lovely house of yours or else I'm telling everyone!" Calum said trying to keep a straight face but broke into laughter.
"This is your h-house" Calum stuttered, completely gobsmacked. "I haven't been in a real home in a while but this! This is out of ordinary" Calum traced his fingers over the marble counter tops. "I don't understand why you don't tell everyone this is how you live. I would love to live in a house like this" Calum's face of happiness and excited instantly changed to upset. I wasn't sure if I should ask him why he came to Lincord; I wanted to know but I didn't want to bug him about it.

"It's something I don't want to be bullied with and I want to make friends. If I act as a snotty rich girl people aren't going to like me, they are going to want my money rather than me." It's hard to explain how I feel but sadly I wanted to fit in there, I use to not care and be my own person but I don't want to be noticed here. "Anyways I'll show you my room!"

We walked down one of the hallways to my bedroom. One thing I love about my room is the high ceiling and the huge window with a sitting area, it was great to just sit and think. "You have your own bathroom!" Calum shouted while exploring my room. "Dude can I move in here, I'm pretty sure your walk in closet is bigger than my actual room."

Once we finished touring the rest of upstairs we both just went to my room to talk. "I hope you know I'm coming to your house to come swimming like everyday until you move on to bigger and better things" Calum laughed while crashing down on my bed full of pillows. "Who says I'll do bigger and better things? You are certainly smarter than I am, I bet you will be going overseas to school or become famous for something mathy!"

"Did you just say Mathy? That is not a word" Calum laughed at me, no offence taken. "I'm ok at math but there is other things I'm better at."

"Alright fair enough, so what is your dream job? What are you going to do after graduating" I asked him, curious to know what Calum's future would be. I certainly didn't know mine so I always love to know other dreams. He looked deep in thought and I could tell when he thought of something, he instantly got excited.

"I'd love to be in a band. Music was always the source of happiness for me. Its honestly been hard growing up without my parents but music was always there when no one else was." He took a deep sigh and I had the instinct go to hold his hand. "I know it sounds stupid but it's how I feel. Since the day I got into Lincord my life has been worse than ever and the music was the only thing that brought a smile to my face. So anyways yeah I'd love to be in a band, play bass and sing would be a dream job." Calum lifted his head and our eyes met. I felt my cheeks go warm, I don't really know why but Calum's did too. He intertwined out fingers together and It felt... weird. I never even let Roman hold hands with me so this was a different feeling indeed. Calum started to lean closer to me and the only thing processing in my head right now is he's going to kiss me.

Just when I was about to fall through with it, my mind started to process normally again. We just became sorta friends today, I can't kiss him. I pulled my back and let go of Calum's hand. "Sorry.. Uh you um.. You remind me of someone." Calum said feeling a little embarrassed, and I should take the blame; I practically lead him on. "You remind me of her" he whispered to himself but I heard him clearly. Who was she? "I'm sorry okay it won't happen again, I don't know what I was thinking. I don't want to ruin this friendship, just like you I kind of need a friend myself."

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