~ TWO ~

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After about ten minutes of NYC driving, it was another 20 minutes before I could see the familiar building. The gate and the long way up to the big white building. The car pulled to a stop and I gathered my things as the car door opened.

"Thank you Happy" I said as I got out of the car. Happy smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder as we walked together towards the doors.
"No worries kid, playlist three is what it is" He opened the door for me before heading towards the garage. I grabbed the strap of my bag a little tighter before heading up the stairs, bracing myself for the questions to come.

"There she is!" A trail of scarlet flew towards me and I had to take a few steps backwards. "How'd it go?" Wanda let me out of the embrace but kept her hands on my shoulders.
"Did you make any friends? Meet a boy? Was he cute?"
"Wanda!" I shook her hands of my shoulders as she laughed.
"You know you'll get these questions at dinner" She smiled at me as I headed over to the kitchen.
"I plan on avoiding them" I filled a glass with water and felt the cold liquid run down my throat.

"Avoiding what? Not training I hope" I put my glass down onto the counter and turned around.
"I would never" I smiled, causing Wanda to laugh again.
"I hope so" Nat walked over and ruffled my hair. "Go change, we start in five"


After about an hour and a half of training, I was sitting on top of my bed in a pair of shorts and an Iron Man sweatshirt. Despite it being my first day of school, I had gotten homework in almost all of the classes as well as books to read as I had joined midterm. It wasn't really anything new, most of these things was what I had learned at my previous school or in city libraries.

I had almost finished all of my homework when a knock on my door caused me to look up. The door didn't open, but someone still entered.
"I thought we had a rule against closed doors" Vision said as he landed in front of my bed.
"I thought we had a rule against going straight through them" I closed the book in my lap.
"I wouldn't have to go trough it if it wasn't closed" Vision said, picking up one of my notebooks.
"And I wouldn't have to close it if Tony didn't play AC/DC at full volume when I try to do my homework" I countered Vision, taking back my notebook from his grasp.
"Touché" He smiled and levitated off the floor again. "Dinner is ready when you are" He turned and went out through the door.

I got off my bed and followed Vision, leaving the door open. As I walked towards the dining area, another door opened.
"Alli?" Clint sounded surprised as he closed the door behind him.
"Clint!" I ran over to give him a hug. "It's been ages!" He laughed as we swayed from side to side before he let go of the hug but kept his arm over my shoulders.
"Well, since there seemed to be a lot of changes going on around here, I decided to come by" He smiled and ruffled my hair as we continued our walk towards dinner.

"When did you get here?" I asked, "I didn't see any flight arrive over the water"
"I got here a few hours ago" Clint said as we entered the dining room, "I was just finishing off a call with Laura" I smiled at the mentioning of Clint's wife. We had only met once, but she had been so sweet towards me, despite the state I had been in.

The sound of conversation turned the attention to us.
"There you are kid, I was about to make Vision drag you here through the walls" Tony pointed at me with a spoon.
"Would that work?" Bruce appeared with a pot between his hands.
"Only one way to find out" Tony said, smiling at me before gesturing at the table. I grabbed the water jug from the counter and placed it on the table before seating myself next to Steve.

"Rough day?" He asked as he looked at me and gave me a side hug.
"Playlist three" I answered and moved closer so that I could place my head against his shoulder.
Steve squeezed my shoulder, "We'll talk later" He said and let go as the rest of the team got seated at the table.
"The rest are on mission or unavailable at the moment" Bruce said to me as he handed me the salad bowl.
"Only the eight of us tonight" Nat took the bowl from me and Steve placed a spoonful of pasta on my plate.

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