~ TEN ~

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It was the sound of the crash that woke me. My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up in bed, leaning on one elbow as the other arm flung away my cover. I was breathing quickly and I felt some hair stick to my warm and sweaty neck. Did I imagine the sound of something crashing or had it happened? Maybe it was just a bad dream?

My legs swung over the edge of the bed and I slowly walked towards the door. The light was switched on in the corridor. That's weird, I thought. Tony is usually the last person to bed and he always switches off the lights.

I opened the door and stuck my head out. I could hear some movement in the rooms close to mine as Steve, Bucky and Wanda appeared as well. Wanda wore a morning robe, Steve and Bucky usually slept in just sweatpants but I could see that they had put on shirts. They seemed to be confused as well.
"I'm guessing I'm not the only one who heard something then" Steve said in a low voice as we nodded at him.

A sudden shout from somewhere in the building made me quickly snap my head around.
"Wanda, you stay with Alli" Steve demanded, disappearing into his room for a moment before reappearing with his shield. "Buck, you're with me" Bucky nodded and they quickly ran through the hallway, towards the increased shouting.

"What's going on?" I asked Wanda, even though I knew she knew as much as me.
"Come here" Wanda walked towards me and gave me a warm hug. "You look terrible" She said, resting her chin on top of my head.
"I had a bad dream" I said, connecting my hands behind her back.
"Do you want to talk about it? Get your mind of this?" She asked me and I shook my head.
"No" Wanda nodded, she knew I'd come to her sooner or later; I always did.

Another shout made us turn out heads.
"We need to help them" I said, breaking free from Wanda's hug and looked at her.
"Steve said to stay here" She said, but I could see her eyes flickering towards the sound of the ongoing fight as there was another crash.
"Wanda, they need our help" I crossed my arms firmly over my chest.
"Go get your mask then"

I quickly ran into my room and pushed the secret button inside my closet. The inner wall moved backwards with a click and spun around, revealing my suit. It wasn't that much of a suit, nothing fancy like Vision with his cape or Thor with his armour; it looked a bit more like something out of Google if you'd searched for 'medieval assassin'. Black knee-high boots with a pair of black pants under. A thick belt across my waist to keep a water bottle and other supplies and a grey top extending all the way to my neck as well as my arms. Then a leather jacket like Wanda's, only mine was in royal blue. Along the bottom of it was embroidered lightning in green, orange, light blue and grey, one colour for each element. The jacket also had a hood for me to keep on my head, a special material on the inside made it not fall off. Across my face I wore a mask in royal blue, to cover my face and keep my identity safe. It was similar to the one a ninja would use, covering everything underneath the eyes and securing behind the neck.

My hand quickly grabbed the mask and put it over my face, making sure to secure it. I turned around and grabbed the water bottle on my desk, unscrewing the cap with a quick motion and removing the water with my powers, making the water spiral around my two arms like bracelets. I reached the door and met Wanda. She had removed her robe and put on a shirt and pants, I guess she slept in a night gown and wanted something better for fighting.
"Ready?" She asked and I nodded at her before we sprinted down the hallway.

Just as we reached the room, Bruce came flying out the door, hitting the floor hard.
"Ouch" He groaned quietly before rising to his feet again.
"Bruce, what's in there?" Wanda asked, making his head turn to us.
"You're here. You're not supposed to-" Bruce shook his head, "see for yourselves"

We got inside the room and looked at the chaos inside. Steve and Nat were hiding behind one counter, Bucky behind another. Tony and Vision were currently using their fire power to shoot at some sort of robot.
"What is that thing?" I asked and Bruce shook his head.
"We don't know" He said.
"It looks like the War Machine" I observed, the robot was strongly built with weapons attached. It shot at Tony and Vision, making them duck down for cover before turning to us.

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