When we got home I got ready to go to Tristan's house tonight.
I put on mid rise skinny jeans with a black mock turtle neck and a dark green corduroy jacket.

I look good. I admire myself in the mirror a bit and then put my hair in a high ponytail. I decided I'd settle with mascara and chapstick for tonight. I go into my room and make my bed. I like my room relatively neat since Allen and I both share it.

I got onto my bed and picked up the book I've been reading. I also put music on at low volume just for background noise. It was about 5 o clock and my mom would be getting home at 7 so I had sometime to relax. Allen comes into the room with a sandwich in hand. This boy always eats.

Allen comes and sits next to me on the bed and eats while scrolling on his phone. The cool thing about our friendship is we can be silent for hours and it's not awkward. We both respect each other's space and private time because it's hard to get privacy from each other when we're basically glued together. 

I sit my book down and look at Allen. He's done with his sandwich and is still on his phone.

"You have any plans tonight?" I ask.

"Eh. I don't know. I'll probably go to the basketball court and hang out with the guys." he says. "Well, without Tristan obviously," he says not looking up from his phone.

He presses his lips together slightly but doesn't look up at me.

I wasn't sure how Allen felt about Tristan and I. I get it's his friend but he said he was cool with it. I hope he doesn't think he'll lose me.

I get up from the bed and grab my bag.

"Do you need a ride?" he asks, finally looking up at me.

"Not really I was thinking about taking the bus," I say. I walk over to my desk and grab my pepper spray. Allen sees me grab it and gets up.

"No, I'll bring you. I want you to get there safe."

I smile at him and we walk out. The city at night is so pretty. Everything is lit up and if you look closely you might be able to see the stars. 

Living in the city is cool because there's so many shops and places.

Allen pulls up to Tristan's driveway and parks.

"Okay, see you later. I can get a ride from Tristan probably. I wouldn't want to disturb your night out with the guys." I spoke.

"Alright. It's no problem if I have to come pick you up. Have fun," he says and winks at me.

I stick my tongue out at him before closing the door. He stays in the driveway until I get inside and then pulls off.

"Come in." Tristan says.

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