*Above picture is Pearl

The night at Tristan's was fun. He definitely knew what he was doing.
However, he's rough. Not that I'm complaining but he directed everything and did what he wanted.

Tristan drives me back to my house, it's 12 am.

My mom usually goes to sleep at around 10 so I should be good. We pull up to my house and I gather my bag.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. Want to do it again some other time?" Tristan asks smirking at me.

"Maybe, I'll let you know." I say smiling and kiss him.

I get out the car and make it into my house.
It's quiet as expected and I walk into the kitchen. I grab a water and go straight to my room. Tristan really tired me out. When I get into my room I pause as I see Pearl and Allen sitting on the floor cushions.

"Hi, Celeste!" Pearl says with a big smile.

"Hey!" I said. This was super unexpected.

"Hey, Pearl tagged along when we were at the court so I asked if she wanted to hang out after." Allen says shyly.

"Yeah, cool." I reply. Why would Pearl be at the basketball court and this late at night?

Pearl is tall and all but she doesn't play basketball.

I put my bag down and take a sip of my water. I flop onto the bed but take off my shoes and jacket before doing so.

"Wild night?" Allen asks me and winks.

I throw a pillow at him and giggle.

"I had a good night, too." Allen states and looks at Pearl. Pearl blushes and then fiddles with her hands.

I guess they hooked up? Allen will probably tell me about it later. 

I sit up in the bed and get on my laptop. Pearl and Allen go back to their conversation but in a low voice. I hear giggles and whispers.

It honestly got on my nerves. I scroll on my laptop and see a fair coming up this weekend.

"Yo, fair coming up on the 22nd."

"Ooh! I love fairs!" Pearl exclaims.

"Really? Celeste and I go to all of them every year. It would be fun if you came with us." Allen looks up at me in a snap making sure I was okay with it.

Well how could I object without looking like an asshole? I bite my bottom lip slightly.

"Yeah, that would be fun." I give a fake smile.

"Yay! Well, it's getting late. Walk me out, Allen?" Pearl asks.

Allen nods and follows behind Pearl. After five minutes he comes back into the room. He smiles at me sheepishly. I get up from the bed and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

"If y'all did it on the bed, I don't want to know just change the sheets, please." I state and lock the bathroom door.

I know I probably was harsh but really? It was always Allen and I's thing to go together and then later in the night we'd meet up with the rest of our friends and then get pizza after. The more the merrier I guess. I need to stop being so selfish. Does this mean Allen and Pearl are a thing? That's cool, I guess. I wish he told me. I don't mind I just want him to be happy. Pearl does irritate me, though. She's so perky and quirky and ugh. I feel guilty thinking that when she was by my side consistently after Charles' died. 

After my shower I realize I was so upset I forgot to get a change of clothes.

"Allen?" I call out.


"I forgot clothes can you bring me shorts and a t shirt?"


I unlock the door and poke my head out. He hands me the clothes and then I shut the door and change. When I come out the bathroom Allen looks up at me. His eyes have regret.

"Hey, I'm-" he starts.

"No. Don't do that. I'm sorry. I'm being selfish as fuck I don't even know what got into me." I reply.

"It's okay. Nothing serious is going on between Pearl and I but I'm kind of developing some feelings for her." Allen admits.

"Thank you for telling me." I say softly and give him a big hug.

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