Through The Zoo!

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"Daddy! Hurry up!" Ezra whinned.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!" Kanan said, walking faster through the crowd. It was like as soon as they actually needed to get through the zoo area, everyone had rushed over there.

"I'm going to go over there to see if I can get reception." Hera said, walking away holding her phone in the air.

"Can you wait til after the kids have gone to the bathroom?" Kanan asked, not wanting to be left with both kids.

"I'll be right back." Hera said over her shoulder. Kanan grumbled under his breath as he watched her walk away.

"Can we please hurry! I really have to go now." Sabine said, walking ahead of them. Kanan quickened his pace and weaved in between the people milling about.

"BANTHA STAMPEDE!" Someone shouted. Something you don't wanna hear while walking to the bathrooms through a zoo. Sure enough Banthas ran in front of Sabine, Kanan and Ezra.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Ezra screamed, wrapping his legs around Kanan's neck.

"Gack! Ezra! I can't breath!" Kanan gasped, trying to pry the little boy's legs off.

"MY PHONE!" Sabine wailed as her phone slipped out of her hand and got crushed. "DADDY! MY PHONE!" She grabbed her dad's arm and shook it, trying to get his attention. The last of the Banthas ran past with a scrawny Rodian in fast pursuit. Kanan finally got Ezra to calm down and quit choking him.

"I'll buy you a new phone, okay?" He told Sabine.

"Really? Like right after we go to the bathroom?" Sabine asked eagerly.

"We'll see." Kanan replied.

"YAY!" Sabine shouted, running off to the bathrooms. After everyone had finally used the bathrooms they went in search of one of those cheap phone booths.

"Can I have that one?" Sabine asked, pointing at a bright pink phone with a orange starbird on it. Ignoring the price tag Kanan bought the phone. Sabine happily played around with it as they headed back to find Hera. Again.

"Can we get cotton candy?" Ezra asked, leaning down and sticking his face in Kanan's. "Pleeeeease!"

"Okay, but we really need to get back to your mom." Kanan said.

"I can just call her." Sabine said.

"She doesn't answer strange numbers, not after the Lando inccedent." Kanan said.

"Well, just call her on your phone." Sabine said.

"I, um. Forgott it in the ship." Kanan replied, walking over to a cotton candy stand.

"Nice going, dad." Sabine said sarcastically. "Mom's never going to let this go."

"Look who isn't getting cotton candy." Kanan teased her. They got their cotton candy on a glow stick and continued walking back to Hera.

"I tallenge oo too a uel!" Ezra yelled, shoving the rest of his cotton candy in his mouth and pointing his glow stick at Sabine.

"You'll never win!" Sabine yelled back, smacking his glow stick.

"Hey, watch the hair." Kanan complained as the two wacked his head with their glow sticks.

"KANAN JARRUS!" Hera shouted, stomping over to them. Kanan hid his cotton candy behind his back. Ezra hid his glow stick and tried hiding behind his daddy's head. Sabine slowed her pace and scooted behind Kanan.

"Where did you go?!" Hera asked angrily.

"To the bathrooms." He said slowly. "And then a-"

"You know what? I don't wanna know. Let's just go find a ride to go on." Hera said.

"Can we go on the roller coaster now?" Sabine asked, stepping out from behind her dad.

"No! I wanna go on the water slide!" Ezra shouted, wacking his sister on the head with his glow stick.

"Roller coaster!" Sabine shouted, wacking him on the head.

"Aaaah! She hit me! Daddy she hit me!" Ezra screamed.

"How about you go with your mom on the roller coaster and I'll take Ezra to the water slide." Kanan said. They parted ways and unknown top them a very big surprise awaited them. . .

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