Chapter One: New Opportunities

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Erin Lewis sat in her bedroom, mindlessly looking out the window and daydreaming.

It was a warm Thursday in June, one week after school had let out for Summer break.
Erin was already bored out of her mind.

She had been looking out the window for a while, trying to think of something to do, when her mother, Carol, stepped into the room and asked,
"Have you been doing this all day? Just sitting there?"
"Yeah." Erin answered.

The woman let out a sigh.
"Why don't you go outside, go for a walk or something?"

Erin didn't have anything better to do.
Going outside might cure her boredom.
"Okay. I'll go outside for a bit." She said, standing up and walking past her mother.

She decided to go on a bike ride around the neighborhood.
She pushed off and began to pedal down the road.

Erin pedaled up a hill.
Once she reached the top, she stopped to catch her breath, as a moving van went past her.
"Someone's moving in." She thought.

Ten minutes went by and Erin was starting to get tired.
She pedaled back towards her house, seeing the moving van parked in the driveway of the house next to hers.

Stopping her bike, she watched as the new owners of the house started to bring cardboard boxes and various pieces of furniture into the house.

A girl with long, wavy orange hair stepped out of the van with a large box in her hands.

The girl looked at Erin for a quick moment and smiled at her kindly.
Erin smiled back quickly, then pushed her bike into the garage.

"I should introduce myself to her sometime." She thought, walking from the garage to her room.

Putting herself out there and possibly making a new friend seemed like a good idea.

Erin had always been pretty introverted and her parents had been pushing her to make friends for a while.
The opportunity to make a friend was right in front of her.

She set a goal for herself: "I'll introduce myself by the end of tomorrow."

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