Chapter Thirty-One: Out Of The Pit

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Next door, Zoey sat on her bed, playing her guitar.
She was still learning a song for Erin. She hoped she could play it for her sooner rather than later.

While Erin's pit was filled with despair and sadness, Zoey's was filled with anger and sadness.

She had been trying to get herself out of the pit, but that was easier said than done.
She couldn't ignore the burning rage in her mind or the longing in her heart.

She was beyond angry at Mrs. Lewis.
She hated her with every fiber in her being.

Mrs. Lewis made Erin cry, she was bigoted, and overall a terrible person in Zoey's eyes.

When Zoey had come home from Erin's house, she immediately began to tell her mother what had happened.
Sharron thought it was all ridiculous, beyond ridiculous.

Sharron knocked on Zoey's bedroom door.
"Come in." Zoey said.
Sharron placed a laundry basket filled with neatly folded clothes on the floor.
"How are you doing?" She asked.
"Okay, I guess. I'm still pissed at Erin's mom." Zoey sighed.
"I am, too, if I'm honest, but hopefully she'll come to her senses."

Zoey nodded her head slightly.
"I sure hope she does." She sighed, then looked at the laundry basket. "Thanks for folding those, Mom."
"You're welcome. I love you." Sharron said, exiting the room.

Zoey stood up and started putting some of her clothes into her dresser drawers.

A little while later, when she was putting the rest of her clothes into her closet, she noticed something: one of her hoodies was missing.
She must've left it at Erin's house.

She knew that Erin would take good care of it, that wasn't a concern of hers.

She was concerned with knowing if Erin was doing okay or not.

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