(2) work all day, talk all night

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Author's quick note!! There will be a tw at the start of every chapter and I'll put a star-like * at the start of the paragraph (s)

TWs// homophobia

However it's only a slight mention of it at the start so nothing too bad.

Anyways on to the story

Song's to listen to~

Hey lover ~ by ~ Wabie


razy = genius ~ by ~ Panic! At The Disco


Sapnap's p.o.v 7:23 pm

*I got back to my apartment I shared with my little sister. Our parents had kicked me out after I came out as bi.

My sister came with me. Even though she's 2 years younger than me. She enjoyed my company and said she wouldn't live with unsupportive parents.*

"Hey, Nick!" She said. "Oh hey charlotte, how was school?" I said in a calm voice.

"It was fine, but I found a job!" She exclaimed. "Woah for real?! I still need to find one.." I trailed off at the end.

"Here look at this website it has jobs near us!" She handed me her phone on a screen with places hiring.

"There's a record store hiring right down the block from school!" She glanced over to what I was looking at. "Dry water records?" (idk my friend chose the name)

"Mhm, the store owner is a woman named Niki.." we sat in silence for a few minutes. "I'll stop there after school tomorrow and see if she is still hiring." She nodded at me and walked down the hall to her room with a plate in hand. I had finished making dinner for her while we talked about Jobs.

I cleaned the pots from making dinner and sat at the counter. I scrolled twitter while eating my pasta.

Karl's p.o.v 8:00 pm

I got home a few hours ago from my job. I was talking to Niki for a bit after however so I was late home. She runs the record store in the same shopping plaza. There is a record shop, a card shop, that's where I work, a snack shop, and a small Cinema. The cinema is clearly a smaller business but it was the only one in this town. There is a grocery store across the road. There are a few other small shops in that area that I just never really went into them.

I was sitting at my desk in my room working on my maths work.

God how do people do this honkin stuff.. I can do English and science but math? Nope, not me.

*Ding* *Buzz*


My phone went off. Most likely my mum or Alex from school.

I pick up my phone defeated by schoolwork.


unknown number
Hi is this Karl?
It's me sapnap

Hi Sapnap! This is Karl :]

Hey lover! {A Karlnap highschool AU}Where stories live. Discover now