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Dan's P.O.V.

"No," I mumble into the phone speaker.

"No, no, no. Veronica?" I ask, making sure it was her I was talking to.

"Dan, what are you going to do about this?" she blames me, putting all the pressure on me.

"Me? I was drunk! I used a condom! This isn't my fault! What the hell do you mean 'what are you going to do'? How do you even know it's mine? I'm sure you sleep with enough people. It can't be mine," I'm beyond terrified. 

I'm twenty two. I can't have a baby. Especially being I don't even care about this girl. I don't want a family yet; I don't even know if I want one at all now. This day is just getting worse. First, Ellie finds out I slept with Veronica, and now Veronica is telling me that she's pregnant. 

"Dan, it's yours. I haven't slept with anyone else besides you for the past two months. You're the father," she whispers. 

Not knowing what to say, I breathe heavily into the phone. How could this have happened? I know I used protection, she told me she was on birth control. This all seems so unlikely. Maybe I'm just making up reasons to try to weasel my way out of this responsibility. 

"So, get an abortion," I tell her, trying to come up with a solution to the problem.

"I'm keeping the baby, Dan."

No. She can't keep the baby. She's the same age as me. Neither of us are ready for this. I'm scared shitless, I'm sure she's just as terrified. After all, she's the one actually carrying the baby. I'm not financially stable enough to have a child, I'm sure she isn't either. I don't know how we're going to do this. 

My hands are shaking, as well as my whole body. Without saying a goodbye, I hang up the phone and run out to the living room.

"Phil!" I shout, tears trickling slowly out of my eyes.

I find him in his room reading a book. When he looks up and realizes that I'm genuinely upset, he drops the book and sits up. 

"Dan, what's wrong?" 

"Veronica... She says she's pregnant. I don't know what to do," I mutter.

He looks down at the floor, shaking his head. "I don't know why you're telling me this, you got yourself into this mess. If anything, I'd tell Ellie if I were you."

I brush the idea off, "no, she already hates me for sleeping with Veronica. If I told Ellie that I got her pregnant, she'd want nothing to do with me. Everything would be worse than it already is."

He shrugs, but he knows damn well I'm right. I pace back and forth, going over my options.

I figured that I only had a few, none of them being too pleasant.

One: I could accept full responsibility, making more YouTube videos for money, getting a job, trying to support her. 

Two: Deny everything that's happening, say she's crazy and don't get involved at all.

Three: Convince her to get an abortion. After all, why would you want to have a child with someone you don't even know? I mean I only talked to her for roughly an hour or two, then had sex.

So far, number three was my favourite option. I wasn't fond of the idea, nor do I resent it. I just really, really don't want a baby. I'd be a terrible father. I'm depressed, what if I ended up killing myself and then the baby really didn't have a father? Then what? There's so many things that could go wrong with Veronica having this kid. What if I had to take care of it while she was out, and some how something happened where the kid got injured or even killed? I'd never be able to forgive myself for that. 

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