We Will Progress (Koujaku)

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The feeling of skilled fingers running through my hair made me close my eyes. It tickled a little bit, but I had learned to ignore it. Koujaku ran his fingers through my hair and clipped some of it up so that he could work with it and make it look nice for tonight.

When he cut my hair for the first time, I was a little nervous. Even after, I was wary about him doing things to my hair, but I grew to love it. He was so careful and gentle with it that it actually felt good. I understood those crazy girls with their obsession with getting into Koujaku's shop. 

Koujaku worked slowly and carefully, as he always did. We didn't get to do this too often. He usually woke up and was getting ready to leave by the time I'd just woken up so there was never time. 

We only ever had time on the weekends because the shop opened later on Saturdays, and didn't open at all on Sundays. But today was Wednesday, New Years Eve. Koujaku didn't open the store today at all and wouldn't open it tomorrow either. Him doing my hair was apart of our routine for getting ready for a party tonight.

I didn't know all the details, but it was going to be downtown and most of Koujaku's friends, including Beni Shigure were going to be there. Even Mizuki, who had almost completely recovered said he'd try to make it. I wasn't a party kind of person, but even I was excited.

When Koujaku finished, we showered and got dressed for the party. He dressed in a red kimono, not unlike his many others he wore on a casual basis. This one just had more extravagant patterns on it. I wore my regular casual clothes, but I decided to wear a deep red shirt today, in honor of it being New Years Eve.

"AA-ooo-baa~" Koujaku vocalised, walking into the bedroom from the kitchen.

I looked up from doing my buckle and saw Koujaku standing in the doorway, a grin on his face.

"What're you grinning about, hippo?" I teased, slipping on my shirt.

He kept his same stupid grin and walked forward.

"Nothing! I'm just happy to see you," He said, taking either side of my face and putting his face close enough to touch noses.

I blushed a little and shook my head to get out of his hold.

"What's up with you?"

"I'm not allowed to be happy to see my boyfriend?"

I blushed more deeply. He rarely called me his boyfriend. He didn't avoid it or anything, but whenever he introduced me to someone he just said that I was Aoba. 

"You're allowed," I said, dismissing it, and looking away.

I sometimes wondered if Koujaku was embarrassed to have a boyfriend. I knew he loved me and I knew that I loved him. I'd gathered as much from living with him. But none of the Beni Shigure members knew yet. Mizuki didn't know yet. Sometimes I would think about telling him, but I would think, "No, if Koujaku wanted him to know, he would've told him." I don't really have anyone to talk to it about. I kinda wanna tell Granny, but I'm a little afraid of what she'll say to me being gay.

With all these thoughts running through my head, I'm sure my face was a little sour because Koujaku's grin quickly turned into a look of worry.


I looked away from him and turned around to grab my jacket.

"Yo, what's wrong?"

I shook my head, trying to keep all the thoughts away.

"Nothing, Koujaku, what are you talking about?" I said, adding a hint of confusion to my voice.

I turned around after slipping my jacket on, sporting the best smile I could.

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