Chapter 34

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Semi's POV

"Do I look okay?"

"Why're you so worried?? It's just my dad and his girlfriend?" Shirabu question while he was picking Eri up. 

"I don't know, I just haven't seen either of them, well, I've never seen Akari, but I haven't seen your dad in a long time." 

"Don't worry, my dad loves you." Shirabu said. I smiled faintly and nodded, taking Eri from Shirabu when the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, his dad immediately smiled happily at me.

"Semi! Look at you! Mister famous." He said, making me laugh.

"It's very nice to see you again Mr. Shirabu."

"At this point, you oughta just start calling me dad." He teased. I laughed and nodded as Shirabu took his and Akari's jackets. Both of them walked over and sat with me, Shirabu soon joining.

"Clearly, you must be Semi. It's wonderful to meet you." Akari said, reaching over to shake my hand. I held Eri with one arm and shook her hand with the other. I tried to be polite, but after seeing the way Shirabu's so called mother had treated him, it felt a bit strange. But. I'd hope she isn't such a bitch.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you, ma'am."

"Please just call me Akari. Kenjiro told me how you two met! Sounds like it was fate, huh?"

"Heh, I suppose it was. Who knew." I said, looking over at Shirabu with a small smile, him giggling and nodding in agreement. 

"Aw, well I'm happy for you both. Kenjiro said that you just got home from filming for a movie?"

"Yeah, came back just yesterday." 

"Oh, then you must be tired. We won't stay too long. But Kenjiro's father and I wanted to say goodbye to him and Eri before we leave. And I wanted to meet you!" She said with a smile. I nodded and let Shirabu's dad hold Eri.

"Hey, Mr. Shirabu? When are you guys going back??"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh, wonderful. Could I talk to you for a moment, please? Privately." I asked, Shirabu looking at me curiously but said nothing as his dad agreed and gave Eri to Akari. We both stood up and went off to the kitchen.

Shirabu's POV

Huh. I wonder what that's about? 

"Semi seems wonderful." Akari said, breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah, he is." I said, smiling faintly to see Eri being happily bounced in Akari's lap. Both my dad and Akari absolutely loved Eri to death, and why shouldn't they? She was so cute. 

"Are you two happy?"

"Yeah, we are... I missed him so much while he was gone."

"I'm sure you did. He was gone, gee, your father and I have been here for about 4, maybe closer to 5, months now."

"Mhm. Semi said that a lot of the first few weeks was stuff like interviews, photoshoots, signings, all that stuff. Then the middle was filming. Then the end was the same. Right now it's still in editing and stuff though." 

"Well, I'll be sure to watch it when it comes out. I'm sure it'll be great." 

"Thank you, I'll tell Semi... Hey Akari? May I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"I didn't want to be rude, but, I never asked, how did you and my dad exactly meet and start.. dating..??" I asked, never really having had the chance to ask whenever the two would visit. Normally the visits would be more about me or I'd get distracted.

"Oh! Yes, we probably should've told you that to begin with. Well, I was at a restaurant, one with a nice little bar. And your father was there with a few friends. And he noticed me, and offered to buy me a drink. He was so sweet... I had just gotten out of a.. a pretty abusive relationship. And he was just so kind. He made me forget about everything that happened."

"Oh.. I'm so sorry that happened to you.. I'm really glad that you got out of that though. I can't imagine if Semi was like that." I mumbled, genuinely feeling awful for her.

"Don't be sorry, it was my fault for sticking with the asshole so long. I should have used my brain to leave him sooner..."

"Don't say that, there's no way it was your fault! It was that jerk's fault, he shouldn't treat anyone like that. Let alone his significant other."

"Heh. You're as kind as your father is, Kenjiro... It's no secret to why he's so proud of you. " Akari said with a small smile. 

"Thank you."

"Don't tell your father I told you this. But, he feared there was a day he would lose you forever, and it'd be his fault. But when he saw what you've accomplished, how you have a daughter, and a wonderful boyfriend, he bawled like a child. He was prouder than words could say." 


"Yes. He admires you, Kenjiro." She said with a soft smile. I couldn't help but smile to myself. I knew my dad loves me and is proud of me, but I didn't know all that. Even though he's just been a relative recent addition to my life, I don't know what I'd do without him and his support. 

"Wow... I.. Right! Sorry, I won't tell my dad."

"I'm proud of you too. I don't know what happened during your childhood, but your father did tell me that his previous wife is a bit troublesome. It takes someone strong to survive that. But it takes someone stronger to do as well as you have." 

"Hah.. Thank you. It means a lot to hear this."

"Of course." She said, turning her attention to Eri when my little one started to babble. I laughed slightly before turning around to look over at Semi and my dad. I have no idea what they were talking about. But I want to know.

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