☆ Chapter 27: Kakashi Confesses (END) ☆

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☆ Time skip - 3rd person perspective ☆

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☆ Time skip - 3rd person perspective ☆

Ah, summer, not the best season but it's nice. After all those missions you have got with your team you thought a nice rest would do. Since you know, last month was quite long. You lay down on your bed and look up at the ceiling. 'I guess I'll nap a bit' you say to yourself. Sleep is good for you, don't forget!

☆ End of POV ☆
☆ Obito POV ☆

"C'mon Kakashi! Tell her already! It's already been some months of you liking her and you still haven't!" I yell at him, while Rin was nodding in agreement. "Time goes fast! And you still can't confess!" I yelled again, "Obito is right Kakashi, it's been some months." Rin said. "Exactly," I say. Kakashi sighed. "Fine." He sighed again.

Rin's eyes lit up, "Guy, you can come out now!" Guy then came down from the tree. "Guy's here too?!" Kakashi asked, "Yup, anyways I'll tell (Name)!" Rin said disappearing to get (Name). "C'mon Kakashi let's go!" I pull on his arm, "Wait, wha-" Kakashi said confused.

☆ End POV ☆
☆ Your POV ☆

I heard a knock on my door, I got up, yelling, "I'll get it!" As I ran downstairs, I open my door to see, "Rin?" Then Rin suddenly grabs my hand, "Hey! What are you-" She then cut me off, "No time! Kakashi wants to tell you something! You need to dress up." I looked at her confused.

☆ End of POV ☆
☆ With Obito, Kakashi, and Guy ☆

"Okay, Kakashi remember what we told you, okay?" Obito said, "Yeah, Yeah, I know." Kakashi eye-rolled. "Good luck!"

☆ Sometime after Rin arrived with (Name) ☆
☆ 3rd person perspective ☆

"Okay here (Name)!" She pushed you towards Kakashi, "I-" before you could say anything, "Bye now!" Rin said while disappearing. "Um," Kakashi muttered while looking away, "You wanted to tell me something?" You tilt your head a bit, "It's been months since we've met, so I just wanted to say, that I-" Kakashi blushed while still looking away. "You?" You say going a tad bit closer to his face. "I- um-" Kakashi stuttered. "Spill it already Kakashi!" You yell at him, until he finally said, "I like you, (Name)! It's okay if you don't like me back." Kakashi was still looking away, rubbing the back of his neck. And with that it a gave you a little shock. You blushed a little and hugged Kakashi, he was shocked, you then tell him, "I like you too Kakashi!" You say while smiling. He hugged you back.

"Yes! Finally!" Rin said while fangirling. "Yeaha!!" Obito grinned. Then everyone heard sobbing, they all turned their heads to the one and only Guy. "Guy are you okay?" (Name) asked. "Yes, I am just fine (Name)! It's just that Kakashi finally has his true love! So manly!" Guy answered while sobbing. And just like that, everyone laughed at him, in a good way of course.

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