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"What's up pretty boy,"  Yuta said condescendingly. Sungchan waited until he finished his shot before responding, "Hey."

"Wanna dance?"

"Nope," Sungchan answered while diverting his attention elsewhere.

"Jealous?" Yuta smirked, "We didn't do anything." He cupped his hands under his face in ageyo, "he's far too precious to corrupt."

Sungchan almost choked on air, he was far from jealous. He gave the smug boy a judgemental look.

Didn't do anything...he thought to himself. Corrupting innocent people, that's nothing for someone like you Yuta.

"Don't pretend to be innocent," Yuta attacked. "You're just like me."

Sungchan pointed to himself in high esteem, "Actually, I've changed a lot, can you say the same?"

"Whatever," Yuta said while turning to face the bar. He was actually self reflecting a little. Even though he and Sungchan's past relationship was a disastrous one, he did recognize some change within himself. His feelings for Hendery was proof that he could be vulnerable for once.

Sungchan took another shot, but classily, as if he was drinking wine. He thought about the shady love triangle Yuta had involved himself in. He didn't understand his blatant disregard for Hendery's relationship which kind of annoyed him, even though he was no angel in the past.

"You're going to get hurt," he informed.

But Yuta quickly disagreed as if he already predicted those words, "Sometimes it takes someone to come along and show you what you really need. I can see in his eyes that he wants me."

Sungchan couldn't argue, in fact, the two of them finding new love was what freed them from their own bad romance.

"Also," Yuta continued while taking a shot, "I like playing with fire." He looked Sungchan up and down.


Sungchan may have drunk too much because he actually agreed to dance with Yuta.

After an hour on the dance floor, Xiaojun and Shotoro found the two and told them that they were leaving. Shotoro waved to the now shirtless Yuta, "Mata ne!"

"Damn." Xiaojun commented on the way out, "Sometimes he makes me think I'm gay."


"Hey," Yuta whispered into Sungchan's ear over the loud music. "Wanna have some fun?"

Suncghan was contemplating...even though they were both ready to kiss their past goodbye, he couldn't help but crave Yuta's seduction whenever he was hit with that intoxicating aroma of his.

Yuta grabbed at the aroused bulk in Sungchan's jeans, causing him to bite his lip. He was easily exposed.

"Yeah," he whispered while keeping his grip, "I know you want to be bad for me one last time."

-"Knowing how to get what you want makes you a bad boy."

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