✧ 3 | san ✦

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"Hayaku!"  Yuta shouted into Shotoro and Doyoung's room.

Shotoro normally dressed down but today he didn't feel like impressing anyone so he picked out a random oversized jean jacket and threw it over his shoulder, "I'm coming!"

Doyoung threw off his (Disney Character) blanket in a fit, "Ahh, stop screaming!" he yelled out, "this is the second time I had to rewind!" Yuta was waiting outside so he was clearly being dramatic.

"Sorry hyung! I'm leaving now," Shotoro bowed while running out the door.

Doyoung just waved him off. He would normally give the boy a rundown of safety procedures while out late but he wanted to get back into his movie.


The nightclub was already packed and it was only 8oclock. Even though Yuta had everyone on the VIP list, only a few members ever came out to party. He gestured something to the bouncer and they opened the door. The rambunctious music was practically silenced from outside once the door was closed again.

Shotoro spotted Xiaojun at the bar and jumped into his arms. This caused Xiaojun's martini to spill a little on his jeans but he wiped it off with an unbothered smile.

Yuta alerted the bartender of his presence, who began preparing his usual lineup of drinks. He then teased Xiaojun about how he was at the club rather late. The old man normally came during opening, around 7oclock, so that he could leave once the "youngsters" arrived.


After a few starter drinks, Yuta and Shotoro flew off to the dance floor. Shotoro quickly met with his pack-a group of other Japanese foreigners with badass choreo to every random song. Meanwhile Yuta was sent into oblivion by the loud EDM and was quickly swarmed by new and old admirers, he was certainly magnetic on the dance floor.

He was in the middle of stripping some boy's top when he spotted someone at the door. He almost fell for the guy until he realized it was Hendery, his crush. Unfortunately Sungchan, Yuta's ex, was trailing close behind. Yuta thought about how Hendery made friends with literally the devil himself yet wasted no time approaching the handsome boy. He locked his fingers into the boy's belt buckle and dragged him to the dance floor, "You're so damn sexy," he teased in Hendery's ear, "I bet I can make you squeal like a girl."

He loved watching the bashful boy's reactions as he felt him up. Hendery's dark brown eyes became steamy with every glance yet on any given day, he could only hope for Yuta's love in secret due to his loyalty to Ten. Winning the boy's love was an ongoing battle that Yuta was willing to endure (To be continued: Trouble in Paradise- yudery x tendery).

At the sound of a slower paced song, Yuta grabbed Hendery by the arm, "Let's go to the back."

Hendery followed with a large smile.


Even though the two lovebirds kept their hands locked while rejoining the others, a clearly wasted Hendery fought his way to the dance floor and became lost underneath the neon strobe lights.

"What did you do to him?" Xiaojun asked. Yuta cracked a twisted smile, "Well, we drank a little and I gave him a–"

"TMI!" blurted Shotoro with red cheeks.

Xiaojun sighed, "Nevermind..."

Xiaojun must have been accustomed to Hendery's drunk nature for which he sent a bodyguard after him before he got himself into more trouble. Yuta followed behind them so that he could kiss Hendery goodbye but the boy had already passed out by the time he was outside so the bodyguard carried him to the SUV. As Yuta watched the vehicle drive off in the distance, he felt a quick sense of agony, knowing that there was someone else taking care of Hendery tonight. He brushed those feelings before slipping back into the loud nightclub.

Once inside he re-directed his attention to Sungchan who had been avoiding him all night. Sungchan already felt him coming and ordered a bottle of Soju. He would certainly need it.

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