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All the things began on a list.

It was the most memorable experience in my lifetime. Before that, everything started at the day Henry got my best friend, Isabella.

They hated each other when they studied in junior high school. Mostly because Henry’s friend said a bad word about Isabella’s friend and then we shouted back. That is how quarrels usually begin, right? Therefore they were never nice to each other. Then they went into different high schools and colleges.

Then Isabella graduated and started her career, after working in a publishing company for a few years, she became the head of the department.

Last year, Isabella’s Aunt Georgia organized a party to celebrate her 50th birthday. She is always so open and never cares about aging. Then Isabella asked me to go with her since she just broke up with her boyfriend.

Everything went smoothly until a hot guy appears. He was called Jack. He and Isabella quite hit off, then they just started to enjoy themselves. I was the one who left out. As my brother-in-law was going to Chicago that evening, so I decided I got nothing to do here other than a romance spoiler, I left to the airport.

Later that night Isabella called me after she went back from the party.

“You won’t believe after you’ve gone, everything changed.”

“You mean, like, a sudden climax I missed?” (Please talk straight.) 

“Absolutely. I swear you are my lucky star. You left, and I got no luck.”

“Didn’t you get that Jack?” (Sure I’m your lucky star.) 

“Yes, absolutely he was lying to us, that Jack-ass.”

“Uh?” (How does Jack become Jackass? Is that evolution? The next would be Jackass-hole.)

“He’s got a girlfriend. You know? His girlfriend appeared in thin air and it happened to me just when I was about to have a hot kiss with that jerk.”


“He’s got a girlfriend, in hot dress and hot moves, but not a hot beauty. She was totally pissed off when she saw me. She was gonna have a fight with me. Then Jack simply stopped her and told her I was nothing hotter than her.”

“WHAT? That was so humiliating!” (Poor baby.)

“Right, that’s the point. He didn’t even tell her, he whispered very closely to her ear. So close that everyone could guess what he said.”

“Oh…” (maybe it’s just your imagination???)

“Then his girlfriend shot me a glance and teased me, ‘How weary you look! Just dumped by your boyfriend?’ What a bitch! I wanted to shoot her with a gun. Machine gun.”

“Absolutely rude of her.” (If you had a gun, everyone in the town would be dead; the first one would be me. Only worse if it were a machine gun.)

“Then things immediately changed when my prince came out.”


“There came a man, with the white knight act, saying that he was my boyfriend. He was really nice and stabbed words into the girl’s heart.”

“Wow! Who’s that? What did he say?”(Totally surprising…hope that’s not her imagination… don’t wanna take her to the hospital... or maybe she really was hit by the girl? Right on Isabella’s head?)

“He was tall and charming. Gently he took my hand, and laughed at the girl, saying that nothing’s better than me… I’m in love again!”

“Amazing!” (Who’s the man??)

“He’s great. The girl immediately went all red and the Jackass was tense. They just left without saying a thing…”

“Oh… she deserved all that!” I grinned.

“Yeah, that’s all.”

“WHAT? You haven’t told me the name of him!” how could she forget this???

“OH! Speaking of that, you have just reminded me, I didn’t ask his name. And he also didn’t. It was quite strange… ” she sounded quite sad.

“Why didn’t you ask him?” (Oh my God! No name??)

“He was dragged away by someone into the crowd, when all those time he just stood behind me… after Jackass and his girl left, I wanted to thank him but Mark suddenly appeared from nowhere and dragged me to dance!”

“What a surprise! He came back to you then?”

“He was like begging me to forgive him, but I really, I just said no. I knew Elise dumped him because she met a millionaire or something. Then he simply came back to me.”

“Did you go search the white knight?” (she had to…)

“Yes, I did, but he just wasn’t there anymore…”


Things ended up like that. We were very passionate to find out who the knight was. Then we started our searching.

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