Gourmet Hound

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Even good people can hurt others, and the person who is hurt is under no obligation to forgive them. - Meyer

It isn't greedy to do everything in your power to achieve your dreams. And it isn't selfish to want something so badly that it's painful. - Lucy 

When people care about each other, and respect each other, they don't disparage each other dreams, even if they make mistakes, and even if it means they have to be apart for a little while. And I think it's justified to cut people from your life who have hurt you, but I also don't think it's fair to put expectations onto a person without telling them. Then become upset when they don't meet those unspoken standards. Even if you think they should know better. - Lucy 

Sometimes when we go through painful things, there's a lesson to be learned from it; but sometimes it's just pain. - Graham 

No matter how hard we try, there isn't a way to go through life without hurting people. We can just try to minimize that harm, and make up for it. - Graham

When you make choices that hurt you, you hurt the people who care for you too. And you don't get to choose how they feel about you. - Graham 

It's not fair to you that I keep dragging you back to one of the worst times of your life just because I can't get over one of the worst times of mine. - Lucy Fuji

There's no way to go through life without hurting people. Suffering alone is still bringing suffering into the world. - Graham

New relationships can't replace your family, or make it feel like you didn't lose them. But that's not the point. These new relationships aren't for replacing anything. The point is that they're irreplaceable as well, right? - Colby

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