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I don't want to be praised by garbage like you. - Regis K. Landegre 

Humans are systematic in weirdest things. - Regis K. Landegre

I am... the noblesse. This is what I must be. - Cadis Etrama di Raizel

Frankenstein, I do not wish for you to make wrong decisions, because you're worried about me. - Cadis Etrama di Raizel

All of the outcomes may not turn out the way we want. Trust your judgement and behavior. That is enough. - Cadis Etrama di Raizel 

I don't want to run wild without a purpose. - Muzaka

Never say you are at your limit. Once you say you are at your limit, you can no longer reach your goal. But if you keep going without thinking you have a limit, you can continuously get stronger. - Rajak Kartia

In life, we limit ourselves without even realizing it. After seeing people who are better than us right at this moment, at some point we start taking it for granted that our opponents are better than us for this or that reason. By doing this, we don't even realize that we're setting our own limits. - Rajak Kartia

Hehehehe... What a joke. You call yourselves my people? You're all no longer qualified. - Kentas

- It's been a real pleasure. 
- My soul echoes nothing different. 
                                                                        ( Muzaka : Raizel) 

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