Lady to Queen

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Politics does not simply run on good intentions. Frankly, it's a violent struggle to protect one's interests. As I said, if the empire is endangered, the power and position of the nobility cannot be guaranteed. - Patrizia

God taught us not to create a hell on this earth. However, if I don't get revenge now, this life will be a living hell. And my soul willn be in perpetual torment. - Patrizia

   Repeated exposure to extreme violence weakens one's sense of morality. When constantly beaten to near death, the body unconsciously learns that morality isn't helpful at all. - Patrizia's thoughts

   Their love has its roots in pity. But feelings of sympathy and fellowship do not last forever. Unless it is solidified with genuine love, that kind of bond can only be temporary. Patrizia, you be careful now.  Love that springs out of pity does not last in the long run. If you can't distinguish between the two... you, too, will end up in misery. - Patrizia to herself

   The absence of all desire sets one free. Having nothing to lose also brings a sense of peace. - Patrizia

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