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"You are enough just as you are."

The next week went by as quickly as it could. However, it seemed to drag for you as you tried your best to build up the courage to talk to your boss.

Like, actually talk to him. Not about work but, something a little more casual.

However, that was deemed nearly impossible as he was super busy trying to find the artist and you always chickened out at the last moment.

"What on earth is that"

"Those are my crocs!"

"On your face?!" Jimin had decided to inspire his makeup looks from top memes since he was running out of ideas.

You didn't realise it before but, Jimin always had something new painted on his eyes and lips.

"Tomorrow I'm going to do a field of chickens on my eyes" the blonde boasted while doodling in his notebook of how he planned to do it.

"Chickens? Why?" Hoseok asked, wanting to know which meme he was referring to. Jimin cleared his throat.

"Ahem!...look at all those chickens!" Hoseok ah'd while Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Jin wasn't here with you guys as he had made it his mission to find your sister since he knew you lived locally.

You just felt sorry and hoped he would never meet her for his sake.

Strangely enough, you were kind of like Jin this week, trying to talk to Yoongi and getting to know him (except the whole wanting to date).

You now knew how frustrated he must be feeling.

"Y/N!" You jumped in surprise and you looked to your right to see that Hoseok was the one who called out your name.


"Woah, she's so out of it" Jimin commented while doodling away.

"Are you okay? You've been stabbing your cake for a while now" frowning in confusion, you looked down to see that your cake was indeed now mashed.

"Oh... cake..." Hoseok refrained from laughing and spoke up once more.

"What's going on in your head? Work got you stressed?" Biting your lip, you knew that your plan with Namjoon was getting hopeless. You'd need to step up your game... but how?

"...how can I make CEO Min talk to me?" Everyone paused momentarily at your words.

"...why would you even want him to talk to you?"

"Yeah I can already hear him telling me to wipe my makeup off" Jimin shivered at the thought and was grateful that Yoongi steered clear of the studio.

"You want him to talk to you?" Hoseok urged for you to explain.

"Well...I just want to show him that he can trust me as his assistant... but he doesn't talk to me about anything really. Just greetings and goodbyes"

"Eurgh, imagine saying hello to him- eurgh!" Taehyung also shivered at the thought and you ignored him.

"Well lucky for you, Hoseok knows Yoongi more than all of the workers here combined" tilting your head quizzically at what Jimin said before looking over at the mentioned photographer who was nonchalantly eating away at his lunch.

"Really? How?" You watched him drop his utensils to give his full attention to you.

"We went to the same university together. Though that still doesn't make us best friends" he chuckled. This only gave you an opportunity.

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