Worried 'Bout the Future (4/4)

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[AU: Since Lewis died and Arthur got attacked Chloe has sunken into depression. Vivi's memory is still fading, and Arthur knows Lewis is back as a ghost and is looking for him. Written 2017.]

The dream faded away and she became aware of the sheets beneath her clammy hands, but she remained with her eyes closed, counting her shallow breaths. A dull throb started in her head and she opened her mouth, realising how dry it was, and how scratchy her throat felt. Couldn't she just fall asleep and escape the discomforts of the physical world for a little while longer?

        There was a knock at the door and she groaned. She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to open her eyes. Why couldn't everyone just leave her be?

        The knocks grew louder, more persistent, and she cracked open one eye. She floundered around until her hand met something cool and smooth, which she curled her fingers around and held to her face. She squinted against the bright light and rubbed her eyes but managed to make out seven blurry characters: 6:33 PM.

        Another knock jarred through her aching skull and she groaned, rolling to the side. Her body met air and she thumped to the carpet, dazedly kicking away the sheets tangled around her legs. She planted two hands firmly against the floor and pushed herself up, moaning as her elbows ached with disuse.

        "I'm coming," she croaked, waving a hand absently at the door. Slowly she crawled over to it, grabbed the door handle, pulled herself up and, steadying herself, turned the handle.


        She lurched back, heart pounding. She wasn't ready for this. Not yet.

        Vivi stepped into the room, her concerned features swimming in Chloe's hazy vision. Vivi fumbled along the wall and switched the light on, bathing the dark room in warm light—and she gasped.

        Chloe looked awful. Her blonde hair looked unwashed and tangled, her green eyes were cloudy and red-rimmed, and her skin was practically grey. Vivi caught a flash of green in her periphery and craned over Chloe's shoulder—her usual cosplay outfit was lying discarded in the corner, rumpled and stained.

        "Chloe? What happened?"

        Chloe raised her eyes to Vivi, her face now an indistinguishable haze. "Glasses," she mumbled, turning to search for them on the bedside table. Vivi stepped around her and picked them up, handing them to the younger girl. Chloe slid them on and blinked, Vivi's features now coming into focus. Suddenly she found it very hard to meet her co-worker's eyes and her own drifted down to examine her pale hands.


        She sheepishly looked up at Vivi and felt her stomach twist in dread. The throb behind her eyes was still there, and the blood pounding in her ears only made it worse. Her heart battered against her ribcage and her breath came out in shallow gasps.

        "I-I'm sorry," she whispered.


        "I . . . I'm sorry." Chloe's voice suddenly became shrill and desperate. "It—I didn't mean it! I didn't mean for this to happen!" She covered her face with her hands. "It's all my fault! Arthur's blaming himself a-and it wasn't even him, it was me! I've ruined everything!"

        Vivi reached out a hand to place on the girl's shoulder, but it was snatched mid-way by a sobbing Chloe. "I just wanted to make you proud! I wanted to join your group—I was so stupid!"

        Vivi pulled the girl close and tucked her head under her chin. "It's okay. Nothing's your fault."

        "You don't understand!" Chloe pushed away. "It IS my fault! Arthur's blaming himself and you've lost your boyfriend and everything's messed up!"

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