Grasping at Straws (3/3)

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[AU: Arthur goes to Grandma Yukino for help with some memory-related supernatural shenanigans.]

CW: Swearing.

After Vivi left for work, Arthur had crept down to the box by the door. He didn't need it anymore—he'd finished scanning in all the documents and had them backed up on his hard-drive. What he was looking for was the looping cursive he'd glimpsed earlier on a slip of paper inside.

        There was nothing on the outside of the box, he confirmed as he sunk to his knees before the thing, and pulled open the flaps. It only took him a second to find the paper, and yep—that was definitely Vivi's handwriting. He pulled it closer, squinting.

        Panic induced by triggers related to 'that night'—PTSD?? + Grief. Therapists in Tempo?

        He suddenly felt cold, a tickling panic he was becoming increasingly used to starting up in his chest. No no no, no. I'm dealing with this just fine on my own. I don't need a therapist. I'm fine.

        He gave the paper another quick once-over and noticed another line of script beneath, small and unassuming:

        おばあちゃん memory charms?

        Glancing around guiltily, he had pulled his phone from his pocket and taken a picture, screwed the paper up in his hands and threw it in the kitchen bin, then settling down to decode Vivi's script.

        It had taken him a little over ten minutes to find his answer—"おばあちゃん" ("Obaachan") was the affectionate form of "Grandmother" in Japanese. So Vivi's grandmother dabbles in memory charms? He sat there for a moment, mind brimming with possibilities. She's involved with magic? If Vivi refers to her as Obaachan then she's most likely from her dad's side.

        He'd never given the idea of magic much credence before, but then again, he never used to believe in ghosts, either. It was worth a shot.

Arthur cautiously stuck his head out the door and peered down the corridor. He could hear Vivi still pottering around in the kitchen. Drawing a steadying breath, he stepped out and began walking down the hall, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

        Okay. Okay, you know what? It's fine, he thought to himself, running his fingers through his hair. She's probably fine. Maybe Duet was just. . . overexaggerating. That didn't sit right with him, and he gulped. Or maybe she's just fatigued. Fatigue can mess with your memory sometimes. Isn't that familiar territory?

        Taking a steadying breath, he stepped out into the corridor and walked to the kitchen, dumping himself down at the table. He kept his head down, twiddling his thumbs, unsure of what to do.

        "What's with all the nervous energy?"

        He jerked up as if stung to find Vivi examining him.

        "Uh, I— what?"

        She shot him a look. "You've been acting weird all day. Are you okay?"

        He could only blink at her. Are YOU okay? he wanted to ask, but he held himself back, biting his lip. He only ducked his head again. How can I get a handle on what's going on without being suspicious?

        He thought for a moment before something came back to him from this morning. Trying to calm himself, he lifted his head. "Hey, I can fix that wall for you if you like, even if I was only partly to blame."

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