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[Random confrontation scene with vengeful Lewis. Written 2017.]

Arthur stepped back, eyes wide with fear.

        "You thought you killed me, huh?" The skeleton clenched his fists, igniting them with flame. "Thought you could take Vivi, huh? Thought you could stab me in the back?"

        "Lewis. . ." The word rode out on a breath.

        Before his eyes, a film of skin settled over the skull, spreading down and covering his body. The flaming pompadour extinguished to reveal mulberry tufts, drooping forward to cover his dark eyes. The suit sleeves billowed out into those of a white dress shirt, held in check by a purple vest, and the black pants shrunk back to purple jeans. But what Arthur found he couldn't his eyes off was the gaping, bloody hole in Lewis' chest.

        "Is . . . Is that. . ." Arthur choked, feeling nausea bubble in his stomach as the hole dripped with red.

        "Oh be careful, Arthur." Lewis' kind expression twisted into a wry smirk. "Don't give yourself away now."

        Arthur turned and fled, fled away from the grim sight.

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