Chapter 2

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Darkness. That was all Izuku could see. Then a forest pops out of nowhere. Izuku blinks and is overcome by the nature. In front of him his mother stands, staring at him with empty eyes. He watches as a shadow stabs his mother over and over, starting at the eyes, moving down the body. Before she dies from blood loss, she says to Izuku, "You could have stopped this." Izuku jolts awake sweating, tears leaking out of his eyes. He looks around panicked, until he realizes where he is. He remembers that he's in the Bakugo's guest room. They let him stay until UA, since they have dorms. Summer break started around a week ago. He calms down and lays back into the bed before jumping out again, remembering that he was starting training with Kacchan later. He runs downstairs and says his good morning to Mitsuki. He quickly eats breakfast and runs to Takoba Beach, where he sees Bakugo already practicing with his quirk.

"Hey Kacchan!" (Izuku)

"Deku! I thought you chickened out of training." (Bakugo)

"Why would I do that Kacchan. I need to do something to get into UA." (Izuku)

"Whatever nerd. get over here and we'll spar. Lets see who's better here." (Bakugo)

Izuku walked over to a  small, empty area in front of Bakugo. Bakugo lowers into a crouch while Izuku puts his hand up in a readied manner. After a moment of staring each other down, Bakugo launches himself at Izuku, using his explosions to propel him futher. Izuku clenches his fist as he wishes that he were stronger, and throws a punch at Bakugo. Bakugo, not accounting for how fast he was going, ran into Izuku's fist. As soon as contact was made, Bakugo was launched immediately into some trash behind him. Both boys look at each other confused. 'Deku isn't this strong' Bakugo thinks. Izuku asks Bakugo if he's alright after snapping out of his confusion. After making sure each other were fine, the boys continued training.

Month 1: They sparred most of this month. when they weren't sparring, they were improving their quirks. Bakugo strengthened his explosions and Izuku learned how to give himself weak quirks.

Month 2: The two this month started to clean the beach. Bakugo would take the burnable trash and try to burn it all in one explosion while Izuku was erasing the non burnable trash. Bakugo never turned the trash to ash in a single explosion, but was getting closer. Izuku was getting the hang of using his quirk, and could disintegrate the trash quicker each time, although it still took a while.

Month 3: The duo made their quirks stronger still, by finding out what they did. Bakugo learned he could make his explosions stronger by forcing sweat out of a single spot on his hands. This made a powerful shot of fire that exceeded 1,200 C. This explosion was WAY too deadly for use against people, but any non-living thing or a mutant quirk with resistance to fire is fair game. Izuku learned how to purposefully give himself a quirk, and found out he can't keep them. He can't get mutant type quirks however.

Month 4: The boys decided to spar again this month, with the limitations of not injuring the other too much, obviously. During the spars, Izuku lost most of them, but he improved the speed of his quirk use. Bakugo has gained resistance to pain from overuse of his quirk.

Month 8: Over the months, the boys strengthened their quirks even more. Bakugo learned how to control the strength and heat of his explosions. Izuku learned how to make clones, change the appearance of objects and how to change his own appearance. In this time he also formed his secondary appearance. 

Month 9: This month the two cleaned the rest of the beach and finished their training. They felt they were finally ready for the UA entrance exams. During the 10th month the boys explored the city in disguises made by the reality stone. During this month Izuku finally found the range of his quirk, about 5 meters, or whatever he can see. When it came time, the boys set off to UA High, ready for their new adventure.

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