Tracy climbed back into her sedan with her clothes pinching her more after each hour passed. She had tried to stop her weight gain by skipping the food from Alabama but it hadn't stopped. Her jeans felt like they would snap from the slightest movement, and her belly peeked out from under her shirt forming a belt of fat on her jeans. She pulled out of the parking lot of her motel and drove into Nashville. She passed by the numerous neon guitar signs as she only thought about the emptiness in her stomach
"There's no point in worrying about my weight gain, my trip across the South is going to make me put on pounds whether I like it or not. " She said squeezing her muffin top. She pulled into the parking lot of a chicken place that was infamous for its spicy fried chicken. She unbuckled her seatbelt and scooted her way out the door.
"I'd like a 10 piece tender meal with a large Pepsi. " She gasped as she tried to suck in her gut as best as possible.
"You're gonna eat that all by yourself ma'am? " He asked, the chicken tenders were large and greasy and easily enough for 3 people.
"No sir I have some friends out in the car. " She lied
"Ok." He said punching the numbers into the cash register. She couldn't any wait any longer, her belly's cries for food echoed throughout her gut like a cathedral. She tore into the basket of chicken and felt each piece fill up her belly. Halfway through the meal she heard a pop and looked down to see the button of her jeans gone, she then heard a snap and saw a hole start to form on her jeans as her thighs thickened up. She stuffed the last fry past her lips and almost fell asleep. She felt the sweat under her brand new double chin as her head moved around. Her belly pushed anything out of the way and any slight movement caused her distended midsection to hurt. She stepped her foot on the pedal and this time drove by people with confidence. People began to notice her chunky body. Her hot sauce and grease-stained t-shirt hung onto a thread showing off her massive chest. Tracy after the chicken:
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