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-Taehyung POV-

How did I end up in this current situation? Easy. 


I was getting bugged once again to get a girlfriend, and at this point, it was getting annoying, so I went to the bar to clear my mind. By the time I was drinking my favorite drinks, and middle-aged woman came in and sat near me. I couldn't help but overhear what she was saying. She seemed to have family and money problems.

"I need to get rid of one of the girls! I will never be able to feed all three of us with the money that I make..." I heard her say, and that gave me an idea. I walked over to her table and sat next to her. She looked confused, but I ignored it.

"I couldn't help but overhear what you were saying, so I have a proposal for you. You said that you needed to get rid of one of your girls, correct? Sell her to me. I'll give you $30,000." I said, knowing it was quite a big amount of money, but I had to get my parents to stop nagging me. She seemed to think hard for a few seconds.

"Deal. I'll bring her to you tomorrow, 6:00 pm," She said, so we changed contacts real quick just in case, and I left the bar, feeling much better. 

End of flashback~

That is how I have a sleeping girl on my shoulder. Honestly, even though it was our first day together, I almost felt as if I was already falling for her. My parents had already gone up to sleep, and Jennie had come a few minutes earlier, being really drunk. I wanted to finish the drama, so I stayed with Tzuyu because I also did not want to wake her up. I decided that it was time to sleep, so I carried Tzuyu like a baby and went to Jennie's room, but she had passed out, taking up all of the bed. I knew that her room was not ready yet, so I guess I had no choice but to put her in my room. I laid her down on my bed and laid myself on the sofa in my room. 

"Goodnight Tzu. Sorry for doing this to you..." I said, knowing that she can't hear me. 

~Time Skip~

I was still awake after being in bed for about 2 hours. I couldn't help but lay down in my bed next to Tzuyu, hugging the pillow I had been hugging earlier. I felt a wave of relief as I laid down, and I pretty much fell asleep right away. 

-Tzuyu POV-

I woke up to sunlight coming through the curtains of Jennie Unnie's room. I looked around, and I realized that this room wasn't Jennie Unnie's room. When I tried to get up, I realized that I was being tightly embraced by Taehyung. I almost screamed when I saw him, but I'm glad that I didn't. I basically couldn't pry out of his grasp and I didn't want to wake him, so I laid there quietly for who knows how long while playing with my phone. After what seemed like forever, Taehyung stirred. I looked over to him, and he still had his eyes closed. 'Finally!' I thought, getting out of bed, but as soon as my feet touched the ground, Taehyung pulled me back, making me lay down in his embrace again.

"Can we stay for a minute?" He asked in a super deep voice which sent shivers down my spine.  I nodded, not actually wanting to move. We were laying there in a silence that was either awkward or super comfortable. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a couple of seconds, but when I opened my eyes and checked the time again,  I almost jumped out of bed. This time, I didn't care if it woke Taehyung up. 

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked again in his moring voice. Another chill went down my spine, and my heart slightly started beating faster but I ignored those foreign feelings and got out of bed.

"I'm almost late for work!" I said, running out of the room and into Unnie's. I grabbed my clothes out of the suitcase and ran into her bathroom to do my morning routine. I came out with my hair slightly curled, all dressed up, with some light makeup, and all clean. I grabbed a purse and ran downstairs. 

"Aren't you going to eat?" Taehyung asked from the kitchen.

"I usually grab something from the cafe. I'll be fine," I said, closing the front door and running off to the nearest bus station. I got onto the right bus and heaved a big sigh of relief as I stood inside the bus. I opened my phone while waiting for the bus to stop where I needed it to. The bus stopped on ______Street, so I got off and ran into the cafe. Jungkook and Chaeyoung gave me a confused look because I was always at least 20min early to work, but today, I was there 5min late. 

"I'll explain during break," I said, putting my bag away and putting on the apron. Jungkook on the other hand was having quite a bit of trouble like he always has when putting on aprons.

"Jungkook, baby it's supposed to cross in the back like this, so you put your arms thought there and your head through there... yeah! There you go!" Chaeyoung said, helping out the lad. We each went to our usual spots. Chaeyoung as the cashier, Me taking orders, and Jungkook in the back making the drinks. It was the three of us that worked in this cafe, and the owner of the shop was a woman named Park Jiyho, but she was on a trip with her daughter and husband, Kim Namjoon. Putting that aside, an hour had passed, so we switched roles, and it went on like this for a couple of hours before it finally was our break. I had prepared some foods and drinks earlier for them, so I brought them over to the table that the couple was waiting in. 

"You better tell us everything; starting from a and ending with z," Jungkook said once we had settled down. I nodded.

"Yesterday, the reason why I couldn't meet with you guys was that I was sold to an unknown man for $30,000, and I had to move in with him. And yeah, all that... Also, I'm his 'girlfriend' soon to be wife. I believe. If I was paying attention," I said. Kookie spit out his drink in Chaeyoung's direction, but luckily Chaeyoung puta plate in front of her, making Jungkook all wet. 

"What the hell?!" Jungkook yelled, making people look at us.

"Shut up! People are staring." I whisper yelled at him. 

"Seriously though!" this time it was Chae. 

"Before you say anything though, I did;t get a choice in this! I didn't get to say whether I wanted it or not," I said, but they only gave me a fierce stare. 

"Ugh! Baby... We'll support you no matter what! Now I wanna meet this boyfriend of yours," Chaeyoung said, making me laugh. Jungkook started his every-time winning about how he was Her only baby. And as the story goes, I chuckled at his childish behavior before looking to the door where girls were mobbing someone.

"Hey Chae, about the request to see my boyfriend, I think you can do that today," When Chaeyoung followed my gaze, she gasped, putting her hands over her mouth.


Sorry it took a while to publish this... school and homework got in the way... Why do you think Chaeyoung gasped?

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