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(whoever made that edit up there owes me a pair of lungs, because I laughed them off)

note: bolded words are said in English~


-Author's POV-

"Did you get the pictures and the evidence, and well... the whole file?" a middle-aged woman asked.

"Yes I did, Noona," The younger boy answered. 

"You did well. Dismissed!" Her loud voice was the only sound that filled the loud room before the sound of a bunch of papers rustling, and footsteps walking out of the room. Now, only the man and woman remained.  

"Do you think this plan will actually work, or are you just hoping it will. I mean, we are threatening our loved ones..." The man asked, and he was brought by a cold stare before he got his answer. 

"I guess I'm just hoping, but I am 90% sure that this will work," She replied. 

"Very well, then." the man nodded before leaving.

"Tzuyu, and Taehyung, prepare for a surprise of your life," The woman said to herself before leaving the room herself

-Taehyung POV-

We arrived soon, and I had something to finish up, so I left Tzuyu In my room and went out. Now that I was technically married to a woman, and I have united with a lot of my friends, we were all in danger for my enemy team could do anything to them. I gathered my team in my office along with my Hyungs and Jungkook virtually. 

"So you guys probably know that I'm a mafia at this point, and I would like you to know that everyone is now in danger. We need more protection for them and we would probably need a lot more people to help, so would you guys like to work with me in the mafia biz? You also have to be aware that if you are caught working for me, or with me, then you and your family go into danger. So I would think about it. If not, I know most would have your reasons and stuff," I finished, looking towards Jin and Jimin, considering their pregnant wives.   

"Woah! Hyung, I never thought you would ask! I am totally working with you!" Jungkook yelled, jumping like a kid. 

"I'll consider it, I think there will be the same answer with Jimin," Jin Hyung said, and Jimin nodded. 

"I'll do it, just cuz I'm bored with my crazy and loud girlfriend," Yoongi Hyung said, and I nodded at everyone's answers so far. 

"We're in," J-hope said for the remaining person and himself, assuming they had discussed themselves. I was happy with their answers, so I gave a half-smile. I knew each would agree for specific reasons, and I was content. It was getting late, so I dismissed the virtual meeting. I sighed, leaning back in my chair while thinking the worst possible thought ever. 

'I have to start distancing myself from Tzuyu to keep her safe' I thought, not wanting to do so right away because of our marriage from basically yesterday because it is 1 am right now. I guess I can do that after a month-ish amount of time. I hoped everything would work out in the right way. I wanted to keep Tzuyu safe, but spend time with her at the same time, but that would soon be impossible. I went to my room and lied down on the bed next to Tzuyu, admiring her face before sleep got the best of me. 

-The next morning-

I woke up really early for some reason. I heard whispers outside, so I quietly opened the door to see what was going on. One of my bodyguards was on the phone with someone. I couldn't help but listen to what he was saying, so I stood there listening to what he was saying. I only got one sentence before he ended the call though.

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