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-Taehyung's POV-

It's been about 3 weeks since Tzuyu woke up, and 2 weeks ago, she went back "home".  Technically, she went to Jungkook's house, and my house is sooo freaking quiet without her. She still hasn't been able to remember me, and it's quite depressing. Wait. what am I even saying? it's super depressing. I've been trying to keep myself busy with work. I give up on being a mafia. so many people I love and the ones that are close to me got hurt because of me. I got my job as a CEO back. This is giving me lots of work, and helping me a little to keep my mind off of Tzuyu. I've dropped by Kook's house 2 times, but Tzuyu basically ignored me. I sat at my table, thinking a lot. 

"Kim Taehyung! Are you even listening?" Jennie called. I looked up, seeing her fuming face with her hands on her hips. 

"When did you get here?" I asked with a sigh, facing the other way, looking at the window.

"Excuse me?!" Jennie scoffed.

"Why are you here?" I asked with my cold tone which I used to use all the time before Tzuyu. Oh. there goes my brain thinking of Tzuyu for every little thing. 

"Wow. I came here 5 minutes ago and spent 10 minutes explaining everything while you weren't even listening and-" Jennie was talking and a familiar voice cut her off.

"Hey. We came here to tell Taehyung about that. Not to fight. calm down,"

"Hey Kai," I said, not looking at him. "Hmm," he replied.

"Okay. Tzuyu-" Jennie started once she cooled down, but I cut in.

"What happened? Is she okay? why? Are her memories back? Is-"

"Aish! I'm talking, you brat!" Jennie yelled. "Tzuyu got hospitalized again. We don't know why. She just fainted before lunch today," That's all I needed to hear. I grabbed my coat and quickly went out of my room, and Jennie followed. 

"Ah! Wait! Kai! can you tell my secretary-" I halted and turned around to speak to Kai.

"On it!" I nodded and followed Jennie who was now ahead of me. We drove over to the hospital Tzuyu was in, and I rushed in. Jungkook was sitting there anxiously as if he was waiting for someone. When he saw me, he immediately stood up and came over to me. He told me to follow him, so I did. We ended up in front of room 206.  I was about to open the door when Chaeyoung spoke.

"We're not allowed in. They said they're doing some operation or something to her. I was in too much of a panic to hear..." 

"How could you not- you know what. Never mind," I said, bringing my hand from my forehead and down my face. For the next 2 hours or so, I paced back and forth while thinking about every possibility, bad and good. 

"Will you please stop! you're making me dizzy!" Jennie yelled, making me sit down. 

"Mr. Kim?" The doctor's voice suddenly appeared. I shot up and bowed. He was the same doc as last time from when everyone got admitted.

"yes, doc? Is she okay?" I asked frantically.

"For now, yes. She has gotten into an accident a couple years back, as we now know, but then after the incident from 3 weeks back, she lost her memory of about 1 year. I think that her memory might be coming back faster than I expected. She's a very strong woman, you know. It usually takes people more than a year to recover from something like this. I think Mrs. Kim will be better in a week or so. If not, then my predictions will be correct, and that this was a minor side effect," He explained. 

"Wait. Lemme get this straight. You're telling me that Tzuyu can get her memories back now?!" I shouted in excitement.

"Possibly yes." The Doctor said. Once he said that I spread off into the room Tzuyu was in. I took a chair and sat o it, binging it closer to Tzuyu. I help her hand and stared at her face. I haven't been able to see her in a while so I wanted to take in some of her beauty again. The other then slowly came in because they had to finalize some things with the Doc. 

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